Commit e4411a96 authored by Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar Achilleas Pipinellis

Merge branch 'docs_project_services' into 'master'

Update project services to include all supported ones


See merge request !2297
parents 8f7c7bf6 57a68c72
# Project Services
__Project integrations with external services for continuous integration and more.__
Project services allow you to integrate GitLab with other applications. Below
is list of the currently supported ones. Click on the service links to see
further configuration instructions and details. Contributions are welcome.
## Services
- Assembla
- [Atlassian Bamboo CI]( An Atlassian product for continuous integration.
- Build box
- Campfire
- Emails on push
- Flowdock
- Gemnasium
- GitLab CI
- [HipChat]( An Atlassian product for private group chat and instant messaging.
- [Irker]( An IRC gateway to receive messages on repository updates.
- Pivotal Tracker
- Pushover
- Slack
- TeamCity
| Service | Description |
| ------- | ----------- |
| Asana | Asana - Teamwork without email |
| Assembla | Project Management Software (Source Commits Endpoint) |
| [Atlassian Bamboo CI]( | A continuous integration and build server |
| Buildkite | Continuous integration and deployments |
| Builds emails | Email the builds status to a list of recipients |
| Campfire | Simple web-based real-time group chat |
| Custom Issue Tracker | Custom issue tracker |
| Drone CI | Continuous Integration platform built on Docker, written in Go |
| Emails on push | Email the commits and diff of each push to a list of recipients |
| External Wiki | Replaces the link to the internal wiki with a link to an external wiki |
| Flowdock | Flowdock is a collaboration web app for technical teams |
| Gemnasium | Gemnasium monitors your project dependencies and alerts you about updates and security vulnerabilities |
| [HipChat]( | Private group chat and IM |
| [Irker (IRC gateway)]( | Send IRC messages, on update, to a list of recipients through an Irker gateway |
| JIRA | Jira issue tracker |
| JetBrains TeamCity CI | A continuous integration and build server |
| PivotalTracker | Project Management Software (Source Commits Endpoint) |
| Pushover | Pushover makes it easy to get real-time notifications on your Android device, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop |
| Redmine | Redmine issue tracker |
| Slack | A team communication tool for the 21st century |
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