Commit eaab5459 authored by Takuya Noguchi's avatar Takuya Noguchi

Remove unused CSS selectors for Cycle Analytics

parent 54bacb18
......@@ -117,47 +117,6 @@
top: $gl-padding-top;
.content-list {
li {
padding: 18px $gl-padding $gl-padding;
.container-fluid {
padding: 0;
.title-col {
p {
margin: 0;
&.title {
line-height: 19px;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
color: $gl-text-color;
&.text {
color: $layout-link-gray;
&.value-col {
color: $gl-text-color;
.value-col {
text-align: right;
span {
position: relative;
vertical-align: middle;
top: 3px;
.fa-spinner {
font-size: 28px;
position: relative;
title: Remove unused CSS selectors for Cycle Analytics
merge_request: 16270
author: Takuya Noguchi
type: other
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