throw(:error,error(_(%q(You are not allowed to push into this branch. Create another branch or open a merge request.)),:forbidden))unlesspush_authorized?
throw(:error,error(_(%q(You are not allowed to push into this branch. Create another branch or open a merge request.)),:forbidden))unlesspush_authorized?
throw(:error,error(_(%q(You are not allowed to push into this branch. Create another branch or open a merge request.)),:forbidden))unlesspush_authorized?
throw(:error,error(_(%q(You are not allowed to push into this branch. Create another branch or open a merge request.)),:forbidden))unlesspush_authorized?
throw(:validation_error,s_('TestHooks|Ensure one of your projects has merge requests.'))unlessmerge_request.present?
throw(:validation_error,s_('TestHooks|Ensure one of your projects has merge requests.'))unlessmerge_request.present?# rubocop:disable Cop/BanCatchThrow