Notify.test_email(,"Test email for #{}",'Test email').deliver_now
Notify.test_email(,"Test email for #{}",'Test email').deliver_now
## Limiting output
Adding a semicolon(`;`) and a follow-up statement at the end of a statement prevents the default implicit return output. This is useful if you are already explicitly printing details and potentially have a lot of return output:
Underscore(`_`) represents the implicit return of the previous statement. You can use this to quickly assign a variable from the output of the previous command:
# => #<Project id:2537 root/discard>>
# => #<Project id:2537 root/discard>>
# => 2537
## Open object in irb
Sometimes it is easier to navigate through a method if you are within the context of the object. You can shim into the namespace of `Object` to let you open `irb` within the context of any object: