Commit f4b8ec7e authored by Tristan Read's avatar Tristan Read Committed by Phil Hughes

Add requested resources to cluster health - ce port

parent 3a477fec
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ export default {
appearance && appearance.line && appearance.line.type
? appearance.line.type
: lineTypes.default;
const lineColor = lineType === lineTypes.threshold ? this.primaryColor : undefined;
const lineWidth =
appearance && appearance.line && appearance.line.width
? appearance.line.width
: undefined;
return {
name: this.formatLegendLabel(query),
data: this.concatenateResults(query.result),
lineStyle: {
type: lineType,
color: lineColor,
itemStyle: {
color: lineColor,
width: lineWidth,
areaStyle: {
......@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ export const graphTypes = {
export const lineTypes = {
default: 'solid',
threshold: 'dashed',
......@@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ describe('Area component', () => {
it('formats line width correctly', () => {
describe('scatterSeries', () => {
......@@ -330,6 +330,11 @@ export const metricsGroupsAPIResponse = {
weight: 1,
queries: [
appearance: {
line: {
width: 2,
'avg(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{%{environment_filter}}[2m])) * 100',
label: 'Core Usage',
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