> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/9186) in [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 12.0.
> - [Squash and merge](../../../../user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.md) support [introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/13001) in [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 12.6.
[Pipelines for merged results](../index.md#pipelines-for-merged-results-premium) introduces
running a build on the result of the merged code prior to merging, as a way to keep master green.
When [pipelines for merged results](../index.md#pipelines-for-merged-results-premium) are
enabled, the pipeline jobs run as if the changes from your source branch have already
been merged into the target branch.
There's a scenario, however, for teams with a high number of changes in the target branch (typically master) where in many or even all cases,
by the time the merged code is validated another commit has made it to master, invalidating the merged result.
You'd need some kind of queuing, cancellation or retry mechanism for these scenarios
in order to ensure an orderly flow of changes into the target branch.
However, the target branch may be changing rapidly. When you're ready to merge,
if you haven't run the pipeline in a while, the target branch may have already changed.
Merging now could introduce breaking changes.
Each MR that joins a merge train joins as the last item in the train,
just as it works in the current state. However, instead of queuing and waiting,
each item takes the completed state of the previous (pending) merge ref, adds its own changes,
and starts the pipeline immediately in parallel under the assumption that everything is going to pass.
*Merge trains* can prevent this from happening. A merge train is a queued list of merge
requests, each waiting to be merged into the target branch.
This means that if all the pipelines in the train merge successfully, no pipeline time is wasted either queuing or retrying.
If the button is subsequently pressed in a different MR, instead of creating a new pipeline for the target branch,
it creates a new pipeline targeting the merge result of the previous MR plus the target branch.
Pipelines invalidated through failures are immediately canceled and requeued.
Each merge request on the train runs the merged results pipeline immediately before its
changes are merged into the target branch. If the pipeline fails, the breaking changes are
not merged, and the target branch is unaffected.
Many merge requests can be added to the train. Each is trying to merge into the target branch.
Each request runs its own merged results pipeline, which includes the changes from
all of the other merge requests in *front* of it on the train. All the pipelines run
in parallel, to save time.
If the pipeline for the merge request at the front of the train completes successfully,
the changes are merged into the target branch, and the other pipelines will continue to
If one of the pipelines fails, it is removed from the train, and all pipelines behind
it restart, but without the changes that were removed.
Three merge requests (`A`, `B` and `C`) are added to a merge train in order, which
creates three merged results pipelines that run in parallel:
1. The first pipeline runs on the changes from `A` combined with the target branch.
1. The second pipeline runs on the changes from `A` and `B` combined with the target branch.
1. The third pipeline runs on the changes from `A`, `B`, and `C` combined with the target branch.
If the pipeline for `B` fails, it is removed from the train. The pipeline for
`C` restarts with the `A` and `C` changes, but without the `B` changes.
If `A` then completes successfully, it merges into the target branch, and `C` continues
to run. If more merge requests are added to the train, they will now include the `A`
changes that are included in the target branch, and the `C` changes that are from
the merge request already in the train.
Learn more about
[how merge trains keep your master green](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2020/01/30/all-aboard-merge-trains/).
## Requirements and limitations
Merge trains have the following requirements and limitations:
- GitLab 12.0 and later requires [Redis](https://redis.io/) 3.2 or higher to run Merge Trains.
- This feature requires that
[pipelines for merged results](../index.md#pipelines-for-merged-results-premium) are
- GitLab 12.0 and later requires [Redis](https://redis.io/) 3.2 or higher.
-[Pipelines for merged results](../index.md#pipelines-for-merged-results-premium) must be
**configured properly**.
- Each merge train can run a maximum of **twenty** pipelines in parallel.
If more than twenty merge requests are added to the merge train, the merge requests
@@ -70,7 +96,7 @@ current position will be displayed under the pipeline widget:
## Start/Add to merge train when pipeline succeeds
You can add a merge request to a merge train only when the latest pipeline in the
merge request finished. While the pipeline is running or pending, you cannot add
merge request is finished. While the pipeline is running or pending, you cannot add
the merge request to a train because the current change of the merge request may
be broken thus it could affect the following merge requests.