Commit fc8ec950 authored by Jose Ivan Vargas's avatar Jose Ivan Vargas

Corrected capitalizacion on various sections

parent 00e00cac
......@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
= link_to new_mr_path_from_push_event(event), title: "New Merge Request", class: "btn btn-info btn-sm" do
Create Merge Request
= link_to new_mr_path_from_push_event(event), title: "New merge request", class: "btn btn-info btn-sm" do
Create merge request
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%button.dropdown-menu-toggle{ type: 'button', data: { toggle: 'dropdown' } }
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
%li{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
......@@ -262,26 +262,26 @@
%li{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%strong Tip:
If an author is not a member of this project, you can still filter by his name while using the search field.
......@@ -301,26 +301,26 @@
%li{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%a{ href: "#" }
Dropdown Option
Dropdown option
%strong Tip:
If an author is not a member of this project, you can still filter by his name while using the search field.
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
To import a GitHub project, you first need to authorize GitLab to access
the list of your GitHub repositories:
= link_to 'List Your GitHub Repositories', status_import_github_path, class: 'btn btn-success'
= link_to 'List your GitHub repositories', status_import_github_path, class: 'btn btn-success'
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
= form_tag personal_access_token_import_github_path, method: :post, class: 'form-inline' do
= text_field_tag :personal_access_token, '', class: 'form-control', placeholder: "Personal Access Token", size: 40
= submit_tag 'List Your GitHub Repositories', class: 'btn btn-success'
= submit_tag 'List your GitHub repositories', class: 'btn btn-success'
- unless github_import_configured?
......@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
- if current_user
- if session[:impersonator_id]
= link_to admin_impersonation_path, method: :delete, title: "Stop Impersonation", aria: { label: 'Stop Impersonation' }, data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'bottom', container: 'body' } do
= link_to admin_impersonation_path, method: :delete, title: "Stop impersonation", aria: { label: 'Stop impersonation' }, data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'bottom', container: 'body' } do
= icon('user-secret fw')
- if current_user.is_admin?
= link_to admin_root_path, title: 'Admin Area', aria: { label: "Admin Area" }, data: {toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'bottom', container: 'body'} do
= link_to admin_root_path, title: 'Admin area', aria: { label: "Admin area" }, data: {toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'bottom', container: 'body'} do
= icon('wrench fw')
- if current_user.can_create_project?
......@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@
Status: #{current_user.two_factor_enabled? ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'}
- if current_user.two_factor_enabled?
= link_to 'Manage Two-Factor Authentication', profile_two_factor_auth_path, class: 'btn btn-info'
= link_to 'Manage two-factor authentication', profile_two_factor_auth_path, class: 'btn btn-info'
= link_to 'Disable', profile_two_factor_auth_path,
method: :delete,
data: { confirm: "Are you sure? This will invalidate your registered applications and U2F devices." },
class: 'btn btn-danger'
- else
= link_to 'Enable Two-Factor Authentication', profile_two_factor_auth_path, class: 'btn btn-success'
= link_to 'Enable two-factor authentication', profile_two_factor_auth_path, class: 'btn btn-success'
- if button_based_providers.any?
......@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@
= @primary
%span.label.label-success Primary Email
%span.label.label-success Primary email
- if @primary === current_user.public_email
%span.label.label-info Public Email
%span.label.label-info Public email
- if @primary === current_user.notification_email
%span.label.label-info Notification Email
%span.label.label-info Notification email
- @emails.each do |email|
- if === current_user.public_email
%span.label.label-info Public Email
%span.label.label-info Public email
- if === current_user.notification_email
%span.label.label-info Notification Email
%span.label.label-info Notification email
= link_to 'Remove', profile_email_path(email), data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-sm btn-warning prepend-left-10'
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
= label_tag :pin_code, nil, class: "label-light"
= text_field_tag :pin_code, nil, class: "form-control", required: true
= submit_tag 'Register with Two-Factor App', class: 'btn btn-success'
= submit_tag 'Register with two-factor app', class: 'btn btn-success'
- type = impersonation ? "Impersonation" : "Personal Access"
- type = impersonation ? "impersonation" : "personal Access"
Add a #{type} Token
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
= render 'shared/tokens/scopes_form', prefix: 'personal_access_token', token: token, scopes: scopes
= f.submit "Create #{type} Token", class: "btn btn-create"
= f.submit "Create #{type} token", class: "btn btn-create"
var $dateField = $('.datepicker');
......@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
- if current_user.two_factor_otp_enabled?
%button#js-setup-u2f-device.btn.btn-info Setup New U2F Device
%button#js-setup-u2f-device.btn.btn-info Setup new U2F device
%p Your U2F device needs to be set up. Plug it in (if not already) and click the button on the left.
- else
%button#js-setup-u2f-device.btn.btn-info{ disabled: true } Setup New U2F Device
%button#js-setup-u2f-device.btn.btn-info{ disabled: true } Setup new U2F device
%p.text-warning You need to register a two-factor authentication app before you can set up a U2F device.
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