Commit ff1d824d authored by Kassio Borges's avatar Kassio Borges

Document github rate limit behavior

Document Github rate limit behavior when rate limit is reached while
importing projects with github import rake task.
parent 92864ce5
title: Document github rate limit behavior
merge_request: 33090
type: other
......@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ Bear in mind that the syntax is very specific. Remove any spaces within the argu
before/after the brackets. Also, some shells (for example, `zsh`) can interpret the open/close brackets
(`[]`) separately. You may need to either escape the brackets or use double quotes.
## Caveats
If the GitHub [rate limit]( is reached while importing,
the importing process will wait (`sleep()`) until it can continue importing.
## Importing multiple projects
To import a project from the list of your GitHub projects available:
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