1. 17 May, 2021 1 commit
    • Sean McGivern's avatar
      Allow migrating scheduled and retried Sidekiq jobs to new queues · 03b5e73a
      Sean McGivern authored
      We now allow Sidekiq worker routing to be configured by administrators.
      For example, they can say 'all jobs go to the default queue', or
      'project export and import workers share a queue'. Right now, the only
      really useful case is to re-route jobs to the default queue, but we will
      support other options in future.
      Migrating this sounds simple: listen to the old and new queues, update
      the worker routing, wait for the old queue to be empty, and stop
      listening to the old queue. But there's a catch: Sidekiq maintains two
      sorted sets with jobs that are to be run in the future. There is the
      scheduled set (for jobs that use `perform_in` or `perform_at` or
      similar, where we choose to run a job in the future) and the retry
      set (after failing, a job will get retried with some back-off).
      Both of those sets are 'global' - there isn't one for each possible
      destination queue. That means that the set entries themselves contain
      information about their destination queue. And in the migration case
      above, the destination queue might be the old queue and no longer
      listened to.
      This adds two Rake tasks (one for the retry set and one for the
      scheduled set) to allow administrators to rewrite the job data in those
      sorted sets
      It uses these Redis commands:
      1. ZCARD to get the initial size of the set, for showing to the
         operator. This is O(1) and is called once.
      2. ZSCAN to iterate over the sets. This is O(1) per call, and provides
         useful guarantees about iterating over a set that may be changing as
         it's operated on.
      3. ZREM to remove the old job hash. This is O(log(N)) per call, where N
         is the number of elements in the set.
      4. ZADD to add the new job hash with the new queue name. This is also
         O(log(N)) per call.
      ZREM and ZADD will each be called once per item to be migrated, so there
      may be many invocations of these commands during this task's run.
      Changelog: added
  2. 12 May, 2021 39 commits