- 15 Nov, 2016 4 commits
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
[ci skip]
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
[ci skip]
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
[ci skip]
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
[ci skip]
- 14 Nov, 2016 36 commits
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
CE upstream See merge request !871
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
CE upstream See merge request !867
Alfredo Sumaran authored
Issue #13823: random message when all Todos are Done ## What does this MR do? Shows a random message every time the To Do list is empty: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/13823 ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? It's my first contribution to GitLab so I might need some help: - I'm loading a yaml file in the controller. I'm not sure where would be the best place to put it. - I'm also having the error below running the tests but it doesn't seem related to my changes. I think I might have some issue with my config. Could you double check if the tests pass for you? /home/pep/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/actionpack- `call': No route matches [GET] "/autocomplete/users/sjobs@apple.com.json" (ActionController::RoutingError) ## Why was this MR needed? https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/13823 ## Screenshots (if relevant) ## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria? - [x] [CHANGELOG](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/CHANGELOG) entry added - [ ] [Documentation created/updated](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/development/doc_styleguide.md) - [ ] API support added - Tests - [x] Added for this feature/bug - [ ] All builds are passing - [x] Conform by the [merge request performance guides](http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/merge_request_performance_guidelines.html) - [x] Conform by the [style guides](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#style-guides) - [x] Branch has no merge conflicts with `master` (if it does - rebase it please) - [x] [Squashed related commits together](https://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History#Squashing-Commits) ## What are the relevant issue numbers? https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/13823 See merge request !6818
Sean McGivern authored
Fix gitlab:elastic:index_wiki Closes #1244 See merge request !868
Alejandro Rodríguez authored
Annabel Dunstone Gray authored
21778 Correct css styles for pinned navigation ## What does this MR do? Fixes css for header and comment notes when sidebar is pinned ## Screenshots (if relevant) Before:  After:  Before:  After:  ## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria? - [ ] [Changelog entry](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/changelog.html) added - [ ] [Documentation created/updated](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/development/doc_styleguide.md) - [ ] API support added - Tests - [ ] Added for this feature/bug - [ ] All builds are passing - [ ] Conform by the [merge request performance guides](http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/merge_request_performance_guidelines.html) - [ ] Conform by the [style guides](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#style-guides) - [ ] Branch has no merge conflicts with `master` (if it does - rebase it please) - [ ] [Squashed related commits together](https://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History#Squashing-Commits) ## What are the relevant issue numbers? Closes #21778 cc @mikegreiling See merge request !7362
Annabel Dunstone Gray authored
Give search-input correct padding-right value ## What does this MR do? This fixes how `padding-right: 20px` was being applied to the style rule of `.search-input`, preventing text in that form from clipping through `.search-icon` ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? If there are any cases where `.search .search-input` is used in a search form where there is no right-side icon (I could not find such occurrence myself). ## Why was this MR needed? Some text in long search queries were being hidden by the close icon being used in the search form. This makes it a bit more presentable. ;) ## Screenshots (if relevant) __Before__  __After__  See merge request !7407
Rémy Coutable authored
Use declared_params helper in API Related to https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/7406#note_18275781 See merge request !7455
Philip Karpiak authored
Fatih Acet authored
Fixed issue boards when not logged in ## What does this MR do? This managed to get through because their wasn't actually any tests for loading the lists when a user is not logged in. This fixes that by adding a test & also fixing the template not correctly compiling under VueJS v2. See merge request !7452
Valery Sizov authored
Annabel Dunstone Gray authored
Project download buttons always show ## What does this MR do? Removes `hidden-xs hidden-sm` classes from `download-button` so it doesn’t hide itself individually from the rest of the `project-repo-buttons` block ## Why was this MR needed? Fixes #23960. Not sure why this element had these classes in the first place, but at the very least we shouldn’t be hiding the Download button at the `hidden-sm` threshold since that’s still fairly large viewport and users with viewports of that size likely still want to download source code. ## Screenshots (if relevant) Screenshots taken at ~830px width __Before__  __After__  ## What are the relevant issue numbers? #23960 See merge request !7405
Phil Hughes authored
Robert Schilling authored
Rémy Coutable authored
Use to_h to convert params to a hash See merge request !7406
Rémy Coutable authored
Fix typos and grammar errors See the general Documentation guidelines http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/doc_styleguide.html See merge request !7451
Phil Hughes authored
Kamil Trzciński authored
Improve naming convention in ci configuration module ## What does this MR do? This MR improves the naming convention in CI configuration module to reflect the domain design better. ## What are the relevant issue numbers? Related to #15060 See merge request !7448
Phil Hughes authored
Rémy Coutable authored
Grapify subscription API ## What are the relevant issue numbers? Related to #22928 See merge request !7380
seongahjo authored
Grzegorz Bizon authored
Rémy Coutable authored
Fix error links in help index page when access it with url `http://gitlab.example.com/help/` which have an extra slash Fixes #24349 See merge request !7396
Robert Speicher authored
Only turn on Sidekiq throttling if column exists If the database has not been migrated properly, the initializer for Sidekiq will fail to start and cause the whole Rails server to crash. This change checks the existence for the column and allows Rails to start even if the setting has not been added as a database column. Closes #24452 See merge request !7446
Robert Speicher authored
[ci skip]
Rémy Coutable authored
Centralized all LDAP config logic in to `Gitlab::LDAP::Config`. We had varying configuration for devise/omniauth and other things. For example, `user_filter` was never taken in to account for devise/omniauth so a user object would always be created, even if the user did not match the user_filter. Fixes gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#21195, https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/15396 and gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#13296 See merge request !6606
Robert Schilling authored
Robert Speicher authored
Remove unneeded nil checks See merge request !7437
Robert Speicher authored
Fix project Visibility level selector not using default values closes #20245 See merge request !7264
Robert Schilling authored
Rémy Coutable authored
Added ability to put emojis into repository name ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? Ensure that regexp used is correct, I used the following list: http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/1.0/emoji-data.txt See merge request !7420
Grzegorz Bizon authored
Grzegorz Bizon authored
Sean McGivern authored
use single quote for consistency See merge request !7442