- 01 Nov, 2019 1 commit
Tiger authored
There are several steps to this process: * GitLab assumes the role provided by the user and stores a set of temporary credentials on the provider record. By default these credentials are valid for one hour. * A CloudFormation stack is created, based on the template in vendor/aws/cloudformation/eks_cluster.yaml. This triggers creation of all resources required for an EKS cluster. * GitLab polls the status of the stack until all resources are ready, which takes somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes in most cases. * When the cluster is ready, GitLab stores the cluster details and fetches another set of temporary credentials, this time to allow connecting to the cluster via Kubeclient. These credentials are valid for one minute. * GitLab configures the worker nodes so that they are able to authenticate to the cluster, and creates a service account for itself for future operations. * Finally, all details and credentials that are no longer required are removed.
- 31 Oct, 2019 39 commits
Ash McKenzie authored
Updated to kubectl v1.13.12 and helm v2.15.1 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!18924
Kamil Trzciński | OoO on 2019-11-10 authored
Fix stuck ci jobs worker Closes #34749 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19465
Fatih Acet authored
Add heatmap chart support See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!16559
Jose Ivan Vargas authored
This adds the support to add heatmap charts to the monitoring dashboard, via the use of the custom dashboards feature
Fatih Acet authored
Option to prevent LDAP sign in Closes #15626 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!18749
James Edwards-Jones authored
When LDAP is used for group sync and SAML for authentication, it can be preferable to disable LDAP sign in for security.
Tomasz Maczukin authored
Issues like https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/34749 show, that the worker is vulnerable for exceptions happening during model update in DB. What's worse is that exceptios happening on this level, are failing the whole execution of StuckCiJobsWorker, which unnoticed ends with thousands of stale pending/running/scheduled jobs waiting in the queue. This commit re-uses the fix added with https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/merge_requests/19150 to properly handle and log such exceptions and drop the jobs regardless of them.
Michael Kozono authored
Geo - Rename Geo::FileRegistry model to Geo::UploadRegistry Closes #10067 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19251
Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
The file_registry table only tracks uploads. This commit renames the model to make the model's intent more clear. This commit also removes some uncessary joins.
Michael Kozono authored
Gitlab::Tracking data point for VisualReviewDiscussion API Closes #11944 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!18890
Michael Kozono authored
Merge branch '10286-geo-sql-statement-times-out-whilst-determining-lfs-objects-to-sync' into 'master' Geo - Rewrite query to determine LFS objects to sync with selective sync Closes #10286 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19051
Stan Hu authored
Count how many zoom calls are linked to issues See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!18967
Stan Hu authored
Add real world config to overcommit example See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19322
Doug Stull authored
- it would be nice to have a working file in here as an example file. - this brings us one step closer to hopefully utilizing overcommit in CI and/or at least on each dev's machine - next step would be for gdk install to copy it over, drop the extension and install it - or drop the .example on this file and make it the default, and users will merely have to run a `overcommit -i` after installing overcommit gem
Stan Hu authored
Merge branch '10067-fix-migration-to-insert-lfs-objects-entries-into-their-own-registry-table' into 'master' Geo - Fix migration to migrate LFS objects entries into their own registry table Closes #10067 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19395
Lin Jen-Shin authored
Add support for basic parallelization of the 'static-analysis' job Closes #34318 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19379
Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
Revert "Sort wiki pages by date" See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19403
Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
Add ApplicationSetting snowplow_iglu_registry_url See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!18449
Jackie Fraser authored
Adds snowplow_iglu_registry_url to ApplicationSettings. The Iglu Schema Registry is used for Contextual Snowplow events.
Kamil Trzciński | OoO on 2019-11-10 authored
Fix last_deployment Eager Load for Environment Dashboard See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!18935
Shinya Maeda authored
This commit optimizes envrionment dashboard query
Mike Greiling authored
Fix cluster feature highlight popover image See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19372
Jacques Erasmus authored
Fixed the popover image by disabling lazy-loading
Mike Greiling authored
Migrate related items tree specs to Jest & VTU See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19268
Michael Kozono authored
Graphql mutation for (un)subscribing to an epic See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19083
Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
Add created_before/after filter to audit events See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19035
Dmitriy Zaporozhets authored
Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Zaporozhets <dmitriy.zaporozhets@gmail.com>
Natalia Tepluhina authored
mock_u2f_device.js: remove IIFE Closes #34630 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19197
Yuri Mataev authored
Michael Kozono authored
Wait for design thumbnail to load in QA test Closes #35313 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19415
Mark Lapierre authored
After adding a design, wait for the design thumnail to load before trying to interact with it.
Rémy Coutable authored
Signed-off-by: Rémy Coutable <remy@rymai.me>
Rémy Coutable authored
Signed-off-by: Rémy Coutable <remy@rymai.me>
Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
Imre Farkas authored
Get rid of unnecessary duplication of alert’s title See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!19214
Vitali Tatarintev authored
There is no need to display an Alert's title as a separate parameter for the Generic and Prometheus-specific alerts. It is already set as an issue title.
Jarka Košanová authored
- incldues extraction of reused code of Epic mutations