1. 06 Feb, 2019 2 commits
    • Thong Kuah's avatar
      Update version on :installed, not :installing · e72f24d2
      Thong Kuah authored
      This makes this consistent with :updated. And also avoids a potential
      issue where an install errors which means that that the recorded version
      won't necessarily reflect the version that is actually installed.
    • Thong Kuah's avatar
      Update version column after application is updated · 8ef1128f
      Thong Kuah authored
      Note: updating version column after :updating is not ideal in the
      updating -> update_erroed case. This will mean that the application now
      records the version as the version that failed to upgrade, not the
      version that it is currently on.
  2. 31 Jan, 2019 38 commits