Commit 2e2af9ac authored by Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'remove-env-set' into 'master'

Unset GL_ID and GL_PROTOCOL immediately

Neither other code executing in the hook process nor subprocesses of
the hook process need access to the GL_ID / GL_PROTOCOL variables so
we can just unset them the moment we fetch them.

See merge request !73
parents e8a4dc70 c1587190
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ unless ENV['SSH_CONNECTION']
key_id = /key-[0-9]+/.match(ARGV.join).to_s
original_cmd = ENV['SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND']
original_cmd = ENV.delete('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND')
require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
......@@ -4,12 +4,9 @@
# will be processed properly.
refs = $
key_id = ENV['GL_ID']
key_id = ENV.delete('GL_ID')
repo_path = Dir.pwd
# reset GL_ID env since we already got its value
ENV['GL_ID'] = nil
require_relative '../lib/gitlab_custom_hook'
require_relative '../lib/gitlab_post_receive'
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
# will be processed properly.
refs = $
key_id = ENV['GL_ID']
protocol = ENV['GL_PROTOCOL']
key_id = ENV.delete('GL_ID')
protocol = ENV.delete('GL_PROTOCOL')
repo_path = Dir.pwd
require_relative '../lib/gitlab_custom_hook'
......@@ -15,8 +15,5 @@ if, key_id, refs, protocol).exec &&, repo_path)
exit 0
# reset GL_ID env since we stop git push here
ENV['GL_ID'] = nil
exit 1
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