Commit 8972c849 authored by Jacob Vosmaer's avatar Jacob Vosmaer

Move some git archive stuff into helpers

parent 04e1a814
......@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ func handleGetInfoRefs(env gitEnv, _ string, repoPath string, w http.ResponseWri
func handleGetArchive(env gitEnv, format string, repoPath string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
archiveFilename := path.Base(env.ArchivePath)
if cachedArchive, err := os.Open(env.ArchivePath); err == nil {
defer cachedArchive.Close()
log.Printf("Serving cached file %q", env.ArchivePath)
......@@ -216,36 +217,14 @@ func handleGetArchive(env gitEnv, format string, repoPath string, w http.Respons
// Prepare tempfile to create cached archive
cacheDir := path.Dir(env.ArchivePath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(cacheDir, 0700); err != nil {
fail500(w, "handleGetArchive create archive cache directory", err)
tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(cacheDir, archiveFilename)
tempFile, err := prepareArchiveTempfile(path.Dir(env.ArchivePath), archiveFilename)
if err != nil {
fail500(w, "handleGetArchive create tempfile for archive", err)
defer tempFile.Close()
defer os.Remove(tempFile.Name())
var compressCmd *exec.Cmd
var archiveFormat string
switch format {
case "tar":
archiveFormat = "tar"
compressCmd = nil
case "tar.gz":
archiveFormat = "tar"
compressCmd = exec.Command("gzip", "-c", "-n")
case "tar.bz2":
archiveFormat = "tar"
compressCmd = exec.Command("bzip2", "-c")
case "zip":
archiveFormat = "zip"
compressCmd = nil
compressCmd, archiveFormat := parseArchiveFormat(format)
archiveCmd := gitCommand(env, "git", "--git-dir="+repoPath, "archive", "--format="+archiveFormat, "--prefix="+env.ArchivePrefix+"/", env.CommitId)
archiveStdout, err := archiveCmd.StdoutPipe()
......@@ -300,13 +279,8 @@ func handleGetArchive(env gitEnv, format string, repoPath string, w http.Respons
// Finalize cached archive
if err := tempFile.Close(); err != nil {
logContext("handleGetArchive close cached archive", err)
if err := os.Link(tempFile.Name(), env.ArchivePath); err != nil {
logContext("handleGetArchive link (finalize) cached archive", err)
if err := finalizeCachedArchive(tempFile, env.ArchivePath); err != nil {
logContext("handleGetArchive finalize cached archive", err)
......@@ -322,6 +296,34 @@ func setArchiveHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter, format string, archiveFilename str
w.Header().Add("Cache-Control", "private")
func parseArchiveFormat(format string) (*exec.Cmd, string) {
switch format {
case "tar":
return nil, "tar"
case "tar.gz":
return exec.Command("gzip", "-c", "-n"), "tar"
case "tar.bz2":
return exec.Command("bzip2", "-c"), "tar"
case "zip":
return nil, "zip"
return nil, "unknown"
func prepareArchiveTempfile(dir string, prefix string) (*os.File, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ioutil.TempFile(dir, prefix)
func finalizeCachedArchive(tempFile *os.File, archivePath string) error {
if err := tempFile.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return os.Link(tempFile.Name(), archivePath)
func handlePostRPC(env gitEnv, rpc string, repoPath string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body io.ReadCloser
var err error
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