Commit 69da7ee5 authored by Bryan Kaperick's avatar Bryan Kaperick

Added functionality to .get which allows the user to step backward through the...

Added functionality to .get which allows the user to step backward through the absolute revision history of a document, as well as the branch of revisions which have produced the latest form.
parent 22aba909
......@@ -26,21 +26,44 @@
type: "query",
sub_storage: spec.sub_storage
this._lastseen = undefined;
BryanStorage.prototype.get = function (id_in, revision_steps) {
BryanStorage.prototype.get = function (id_in, revision) {
// Default behavior, get() returns the most recent revision
if (revision_steps === undefined) {
revision_steps = 0;
if (revision === undefined) {
revision = {
steps: 0,
path: "absolute"
// Default type of traversal is absolute:
// "absolute" -- step backward in chronological order of changes to document
// "consistent" -- step backward in chronological order of only edits the
// most recent version is based on. Other branches of edits are ignored
if (revision.path === undefined) {
revision.path = "absolute";
// Query to get the last edit made to this document
var substorage = this._sub_storage,
var storage = this,
substorage = this._sub_storage,
options = {
query: "doc_id: " + id_in,
sort_on: [["timestamp", "descending"]],
limit: [revision_steps, 1]
sort_on: [["timestamp", "descending"]]
// In "absolute" path, .get returns the revision.steps-most-recent revision
if (revision.path === "absolute") {
options.limit = [revision.steps, 1];
// In "consistent path, .get returns the most recent revision and looks
// deeper into history with the result's .lastseen attribute
} else if (revision.path === "consistent") {
options.limit = [0, 1];
return substorage.allDocs(options)
.push(function (results) {
if ( > 0) {
......@@ -52,20 +75,62 @@
// Decide return based on last edit type
.push(function (result) {
// Function used to chain together substorage.get's for "consistent"
// traversal
function recurse_get(result) {
if (result.lastseen === undefined) {
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" +
id_in +
"' (end of history)",
return substorage.get(result.lastseen);
// If last edit was a remove, throw a 'not found' error
if (result.op === "remove") {
if (result.op === "remove" && revision.path === "absolute") {
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" + id_in + "' (removed)",
// If last edit was a put, return the document data
if (result.op === "put") {
return result.doc;
// The query for "absolute" traversal returns exactly the document
// requested
if (revision.path === "absolute" || revision.steps === 0) {
storage._lastseen = result.timestamp;
return result.doc;
if (revision.path === "consistent") {
// Chain together promises to access history of document
var promise = substorage.get(result.lastseen);
while (revision.steps > 1) {
promise = promise.push(recurse_get);
revision.steps -= 1;
// Once at desired depth, update storage._lastseen and return doc
return promise.push(function (result) {
storage._lastseen = result.timestamp;
if (result.op === "remove") {
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" +
result.doc_id +
"' (removed)",
return result.doc;
......@@ -81,8 +146,11 @@
timestamp: timestamp,
doc_id: id,
doc: data,
op: "put"
op: "put",
lastseen: this._lastseen
this._lastseen = timestamp;
//console.log(metadata.doc.k, timestamp, metadata.lastseen);
return this._sub_storage.put(timestamp, metadata);
......@@ -92,8 +160,10 @@
// XXX: remove this attribute once query can sort_on id
timestamp: timestamp,
doc_id: id,
op: "remove"
op: "remove",
lastseen: this._lastseen
this._lastseen = timestamp;
return this._sub_storage.put(timestamp, metadata);
This diff is collapsed.
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