Commit 32ee4fb8 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

revisionstorage.js private methods improved or added

parent f0fb37f9
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
* @return {boolean} True if ok, else false
priv.checkRevisionFormat = function (revision) {
return /^[0-9]+-[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/.test(revision);
return (/^[0-9]+-[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/.test(revision));
......@@ -122,19 +122,36 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
* The winner is the deeper revision on the left.
* @method getWinnerRevisionFromDocumentTree
* @param {object} document_tree The document tree
* @return {string} The winner revision
* @return {array} The winner revs info array
* Gets the winner revision from a document tree.
* The winner is the deeper revision on the left.
* @method getWinnerRevisionFromDocumentTree
* @param {object} document_tree The document tree
* @return {array} The winner revs info array
priv.getWinnerRevisionFromDocumentTree = function (document_tree) {
var i, result, search;
result = {"deep":-1,"revision":''};
// search method fills "result" with the winner revision
var i, result, search, revs_info = [];
result = [];
// search method fills "result" with the winner revs info
search = function (document_tree, deep) {
var i;
if (typeof document_tree.rev !== "undefined") {
// node is not root
if (document_tree.children.length === 0) {
// This node is a leaf
if (result.deep < deep) {
if (result.length < deep) {
// The leaf is deeper than result
result = {"deep":deep,"revision":document_tree.rev};
result = [];
for (i = 0; i < revs_info.length; i += 1) {
......@@ -142,10 +159,11 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
for (i = 0; i < document_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
// searching deeper to find the deeper leaf
search(document_tree.children[i], deep+1);
search(document_tree, 0);
return result.rev;
return result;
......@@ -197,9 +215,7 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
doc._rev || 0, JSON.stringify(doc) + JSON.stringify(revs_info));
next_rev_str = next_rev.join("-");
// don't add if the next rev already exists
console.log (JSON.stringify (revs_info));
for (i = 0; i < selected_node.children.length; i += 1) {
console.log (selected_node.children[i].rev);
if (selected_node.children[i].rev === next_rev_str) {
"rev": next_rev_str,
......@@ -227,9 +243,10 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
* Gets an array of leaves revisions from document tree
* @method getLeavesFromDocumentTree
* @param {object} document_tree The document tree
* @param {string} except The revision to except
* @return {array} The array of leaves revisions
priv.getLeavesFromDocumentTree = function (document_tree) {
priv.getLeavesFromDocumentTree = function (document_tree, except) {
var i, result, search;
result = [];
// search method fills [result] with the winner revision
......@@ -237,6 +254,9 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
var i;
if (document_tree.children.length === 0) {
// This node is a leaf
if (except !== undefined && except === document_tree.rev) {
......@@ -250,6 +270,22 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
return result;
* Convert revs_info to a simple revisions history
* @method revsInfoToHistory
* @param {array} revs_info The revs info
* @return {object} The revisions history
priv.revsInfoToHistory = function (revs_info) {
var revisions = {"start":0,"ids":[]}, i;
if (revs_info.length > 0) {
revisions.start = revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0];
for (i = 0; i < revs_info.length; i += 1) {
return revisions;
* Post the document metadata and create or update a document tree.
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