Commit 5b97a6a9 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

localstorage.js allDocs method redesigned

parent 974cac47
......@@ -206,45 +206,19 @@ var newLocalStorage = function (spec, my) {
* get all filenames belonging to a user from the document index
* @method allDocs
* Get all filenames belonging to a user from the document index
* @method allDocs
* @param {object} command The JIO command
* Available options:
* - {boolean} conflicts Add a conflicts object to the response
* - {boolean} revs Add the revisions history of the document
* - {boolean} revs_info Add revisions informations
* - {boolean} include_docs Include documents with index
that._allDocs = function (command) {
that.allDocs = function (command) {
setTimeout(function () {
var new_array = [],
array = priv.getFileNameArray(),
path = 'jio/local/'+priv.username+'/'+priv.applicationname,
include_docs = command.getOption('include_docs'),
doc, item;
for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i += 1) {
item = array[i];
if (include_docs === true){
doc = that._get(path+'/''/'+item.value.key );
} else {
that.success ({total_rows:new_array.length,rows:new_array});
"status": 405,
"statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
"error": "method_not_allowed",
"message": "Your are not allowed to use this command",
"reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs command executions"
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