Commit 10cf2299 authored by Simon Ruderich's avatar Simon Ruderich

check certificate to detect corruption

parent 43b00611
......@@ -272,11 +272,14 @@ sign_domain() {
csr64="$(openssl req -in "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert-${timestamp}.csr" -outform DER | urlbase64)"
crt64="$(signed_request "${CA_NEW_CERT}" '{"resource": "new-cert", "csr": "'"${csr64}"'"}' | openssl base64 -e)"
printf -- '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n%s\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n' "${crt64}" > "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert-${timestamp}.pem"
# try to load the certificate to detect corruption
echo " + Checking certificate..." >&2
_openssl x509 -text < "${crt_path}"
# Create fullchain.pem
if [[ -e "${BASEDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" ]] || [[ -e "${SCRIPTDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" ]]; then
echo " + Creating fullchain.pem..."
cat "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert-${timestamp}.pem" > "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain-${timestamp}.pem"
cat "${crt_path}" > "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain-${timestamp}.pem"
if [[ -e "${BASEDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" ]]; then
cat "${BASEDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" >> "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain-${timestamp}.pem"
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