@@ -4,14 +4,11 @@ This is a client for signing certificates with an ACME-server (currently only pr
It uses the `openssl` utility for everything related to actually handling keys and certificates, so you need to have that installed.
Other dependencies are (for now): curl, sed
Perl no longer is a dependency.
The only remaining perl code in this repository is the script you can use to convert your existing letsencrypt-keyfile into something openssl (and this script) can read.
Other dependencies are: curl, sed, grep, mktemp (all found on almost any system, curl being the only exception)
Current features:
- Signing of a list of domains
- Renewal if a certificate is about to expire
- Renewal if a certificate is about to expire or SAN (subdomains) changed
- Certificate revocation
Please keep in mind that this software and even the acme-protocol are relatively young and may still have some unresolved issues.
@@ -81,20 +78,4 @@ An alternative to setting the WELLKNOWN variable would be to create a symlink to
## Import
### import-account.pl
This perl-script can be used to import the account key from the original letsencrypt client.
You should copy `private_key.json` to the same directory as the script.
The json-file can be found in a subdirectory of `/etc/letsencrypt/accounts/acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory`.
Usage: `./import-account.pl`
### import-certs.sh
This script can be used to import private keys and certificates created by the original letsencrypt client.
By default it expects the certificates to be found under `/etc/letsencrypt`, which is the default output directory of the original client.
You can change the path by setting LETSENCRYPT in your config file: ```LETSENCRYPT="/etc/letsencrypt"```.
Usage: `./import-certs.sh`
If you want to import existing keys from the official letsencrypt client have a look at [Import from official letsencrypt client](https://github.com/lukas2511/letsencrypt.sh/wiki/Import-from-official-letsencrypt-client).