Commit f090fbcf authored by Lukas Schauer's avatar Lukas Schauer

hide output of grep for pem-format-check

parent 6d64c8d4
......@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ sign_domain() {
echo " + Creating fullchain.pem..."
cat "${crt_path}" > "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain-${timestamp}.pem"
_request get "$(openssl x509 -in "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert-${timestamp}.pem" -noout -text | grep 'CA Issuers - URI:' | cut -d':' -f2-)" > "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/chain-${timestamp}.pem"
if ! grep "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/chain-${timestamp}.pem"; then
if ! grep "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/chain-${timestamp}.pem" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
openssl x509 -in "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/chain-${timestamp}.pem" -inform DER -out "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/chain-${timestamp}.pem" -outform PEM
ln -sf "chain-${timestamp}.pem" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/chain.pem"
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