Commit 4321dc8d authored by Keerthy's avatar Keerthy Committed by Paul Walmsley

ARM: AM43XX: hwmod: Add rtc hwmod

The patch registers the rtc hwmod on AM437x chips.  The RTC module is
physically present on the AM438x SoC used on AM43X-EPOS-EVM, but it is
permanently disabled. A secure RTC is used instead on these devices,
where needed. Hence adding it selectively using a separate list to get
RTC Module functional on the other am43x SoCs used on am437x-gp-evm
and am437x-sk-evm.
Signed-off-by: default avatarKeerthy <>
[ cleaned up patch description]
Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Walmsley <>
parent 8fe097a3
......@@ -1020,9 +1020,21 @@ static struct omap_hwmod_ocp_if *am43xx_hwmod_ocp_ifs[] __initdata = {
static struct omap_hwmod_ocp_if *am43xx_rtc_hwmod_ocp_ifs[] __initdata = {
int __init am43xx_hwmod_init(void)
int ret;
return omap_hwmod_register_links(am43xx_hwmod_ocp_ifs);
ret = omap_hwmod_register_links(am43xx_hwmod_ocp_ifs);
if (!ret && of_machine_is_compatible("ti,am4372"))
ret = omap_hwmod_register_links(am43xx_rtc_hwmod_ocp_ifs);
return ret;
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