• calvin's avatar
    branches/zip: · fc02f76d
    calvin authored
    Implement the system tablespace tagging described on the wiki:
    A brief description of the changes:
    * The file format tag will be saved in the trx system page, starting at
      (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - 16) for 8 bytes.
    * The configuration parameter innodb_file_format_check is introduced.
      This variable can be set to on/off and any of the supported file
      formats in the configuration file, but can only be set to any of
      the supported file formats during runtime. The default is on.
    * During table create/open, check the current file format against
      the max in file_format_max. If the current file format is newer,
      update file_format_max and tag the system tablespace with the
      newer one in a normal mtr.
    * During startup, write the tag to the error log and check it against
      DICT_TF_FORMAT_MAX. Refuse to start with error, if
      -- DICT_TF_FORMAT_MAX < the tag, and
      -- innodb_file_format_check is ON
      Print out a warning , if
      -- DICT_TF_FORMAT_MAX < the tag, but
      -- innodb_file_format_check is off
    * The system tablespace tag is re-settable using:
      set innodb_file_format_check = <file_format>
    Approved by:	Sunny
sync0sync.c 37.3 KB