Commit 10e1ff83 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

better identify C/C unit tests in mysql-test

parent 017195c3
......@@ -43,11 +43,15 @@ sub start_test {
my (@ctest_list)= `cd .. && ctest $opt_vs_config --show-only --verbose`;
return "No ctest" if $?;
my ($command, %tests);
my ($command, %tests, $prefix);
for (@ctest_list) {
$command= $' if /^\d+: Test command: +/;
$tests{$'}=$command if /^ +Test +#\d+: +/;
if (/^\d+: Test command: +/) {
$command= $';
$prefix= /libmariadb/ ? 'conc_' : '';
} elsif (/^ +Test +#\d+: +/) {
bless { ctests => { %tests } };
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