Commit 62e29092 authored by Vasil Dimov's avatar Vasil Dimov Committed by Jan Lindström

Put one filter per line in

This way it is more readable and easy to change, also if a new entry is
added or one removed, the diff will be easier to read.
parent 639bd1c7
......@@ -120,8 +120,14 @@ fi
# --exclude '*.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' --exclude '*.index')
# New filter - exclude everything except dirs (schemas) and innodb files
FILTER=(-f '- /lost+found' -f '- /.fseventsd' -f '- /.Trashes'
-f '+ /wsrep_sst_binlog.tar' -f '+ /ib_lru_dump' -f '+ /ibdata*' -f '+ /*/' -f '- /*')
FILTER=(-f '- /lost+found'
-f '- /.fseventsd'
-f '- /.Trashes'
-f '+ /wsrep_sst_binlog.tar'
-f '+ /ib_lru_dump'
-f '+ /ibdata*'
-f '+ /*/'
-f '- /*')
if [ "$WSREP_SST_OPT_ROLE" = "donor" ]
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