- 14 Jun, 2005 11 commits
hf@deer.(none) authored
into deer.(none):/home/hf/work/mysql-5.0.clean
hf@deer.(none) authored
hf@deer.(none) authored
timour@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/timka/mysql/src/5.0-bug-11044
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0-tmp
timour@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/timka/mysql/src/5.0-bug-11044
timour@mysql.com authored
The problem was that when there was no MIN or MAX function, after finding the group prefix based on the DISTINCT or GROUP BY attributes we did not search further for a key in the group that satisfies the equi-join conditions on attributes that follow the group attributes. Thus we ended up with the wrong rows, and subsequent calls to select_cond->val_int() in evaluate_join_record() were filtering those rows. Hence - the query result set was empty. The problem occured both for GROUP BY queries without MIN/MAX and for queries with DISTINCT (which were internally executed as GROUP BY queries).
ramil@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/usr/home/ram/work/mysql-5.0
ramil@mysql.com authored
igor@rurik.mysql.com authored
into rurik.mysql.com:/home/igor/mysql-5.0
igor@rurik.mysql.com authored
- 13 Jun, 2005 23 commits
ndbdev@dl145b.mysql.com authored
tulin@dl145c.mysql.com authored
into dl145c.mysql.com:/home/ndbdev/tomas/mysql-4.1
igor@igor-inspiron.creware.com authored
tulin@dl145c.mysql.com authored
into dl145c.mysql.com:/home/ndbdev/tomas/mysql-4.1
igor@igor-inspiron.creware.com authored
Correction for test case of bug #11142.
igor@igor-inspiron.creware.com authored
Added a test case for bug #11142. item_cmpfunc.cc: Fixed bug #11142. Implementation of Item_func_nullif::is_null was corrected.
tulin@dl145c.mysql.com authored
Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted DbtcMain.cpp, testTimeout.cpp: Bug #11290 TransactionInactiveTimeout = 0 does not result in infinite timeout
igor@igor-inspiron.creware.com authored
into igor-inspiron.creware.com:/home/igor/mysql-5.0
igor@igor-inspiron.creware.com authored
into igor-inspiron.creware.com:/home/igor/dev/mysql-4.1-0
heikki@hundin.mysql.fi authored
Add a patch by Georg Richter to remove compiler warnings on 64-bit Windows
svoj@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/svoj/devel/yassl-mysql-5.0
igor@igor-inspiron.creware.com authored
into igor-inspiron.creware.com:/home/igor/dev/mysql-5.0-0
lars@mysql.com authored
igor@igor-inspiron.creware.com authored
Added a test case for bug #11167. sql_select.cc: Fixed bug #11167. In 4.1 char/varchar fields are limited by 255 characters in length that make them longer than 255 bytes in size for such character sets as UTF8. The functions store_record_in_cache and read_cached_records did not take into account this Moreover the code did not take into account that the size of the varchar fields in 5.0 can be up to 65535 bytes
svoj@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/svoj/devel/yassl-mysql-5.0
svoj@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/svoj/devel/yassl-mysql-5.0
lars@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0
lars@mysql.com authored
lars@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/bk/b6883-mysql-4.1
joreland@mysql.com authored
joreland@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/mysql-4.1-push
joreland@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/mysql-4.1-push
joreland@mysql.com authored
Enable retry on startTransaction
- 12 Jun, 2005 1 commit
svoj@mysql.com authored
Fix for link failures on boxes with non-gnu compiler.
- 11 Jun, 2005 2 commits
svoj@mysql.com authored
jimw@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-5.0-clean
- 10 Jun, 2005 3 commits
jimw@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-4.1-clean
reggie@mdk10.(none) authored
into mdk10.(none):/home/reggie/bk/mysql-5.0-base
jimw@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-4.1-clean