Commit 5855f173 authored by David Wilson's avatar David Wilson

core: Handle unpicklable data in dispatch_calls()

Sending just via .call_async() would previously crash the child, now it
generates CallError like intended.
parent 6d403481
......@@ -1330,24 +1330,27 @@ class ExternalContext(object):
def _dispatch_one(self, msg):
data = msg.unpickle(throw=False)
_v and LOG.debug('_dispatch_calls(%r)', data)
if msg.auth_id not in mitogen.parent_ids:
LOG.warning('CALL_FUNCTION from non-parent %r', msg.auth_id)
modname, klass, func, args, kwargs = data
obj = __import__(modname, {}, {}, [''])
if klass:
obj = getattr(obj, klass)
fn = getattr(obj, func)
if getattr(fn, 'mitogen_takes_econtext', None):
kwargs.setdefault('econtext', self)
if getattr(fn, 'mitogen_takes_router', None):
kwargs.setdefault('router', self.router)
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
def _dispatch_calls(self):
for msg in
data = msg.unpickle(throw=False)
_v and LOG.debug('_dispatch_calls(%r)', data)
if msg.auth_id not in mitogen.parent_ids:
LOG.warning('CALL_FUNCTION from non-parent %r', msg.auth_id)
modname, klass, func, args, kwargs = data
obj = __import__(modname, {}, {}, [''])
if klass:
obj = getattr(obj, klass)
fn = getattr(obj, func)
if getattr(fn, 'mitogen_takes_econtext', None):
kwargs.setdefault('econtext', self)
if getattr(fn, 'mitogen_takes_router', None):
kwargs.setdefault('router', self.router)
msg.reply(fn(*args, **kwargs))
except Exception, e:
_v and LOG.debug('_dispatch_calls: %s', e)
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