Commit e7ff6259 authored by David Wilson's avatar David Wilson

Initial commit.

# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# User-friendly check for sphinx-build
ifeq ($(shell which $(SPHINXBUILD) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
$(error The '$(SPHINXBUILD)' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full path of the '$(SPHINXBUILD)' executable. Alternatively you can add the directory with the executable to your PATH. If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
# Internal variables.
PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
.PHONY: help
@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
@echo " html to make standalone HTML files"
@echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
@echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
@echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
@echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
@echo " coverage to run coverage check of the documentation (if enabled)"
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
.PHONY: html
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
.PHONY: dirhtml
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
.PHONY: changes
@echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
.PHONY: linkcheck
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
"or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
.PHONY: doctest
@echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
"results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
.PHONY: coverage
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b coverage $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/coverage
@echo "Testing of coverage in the sources finished, look at the " \
"results in $(BUILDDIR)/coverage/python.txt."
div.figure {
padding: 0;
<a href="">GitHub Repository</a>
{% extends "!layout.html" %}
{% set css_files = css_files + ['_static/style.css'] %}
API Reference
Package Layout
mitogen Package
.. automodule:: mitogen
.. autodata:: mitogen.slave
.. autodata:: mitogen.context_id
.. autodata:: mitogen.parent_id
.. automodule:: mitogen.core
.. automodule:: mitogen.master
.. automodule:: mitogen.fakessh
.. autofunction::
Router Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Router
Broker Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Broker
Context Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Context
Channel Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.Channel
Context Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Context
Utility Functions
.. automodule:: mitogen.utils
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.Error
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.CallError
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.ChannelError
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.StreamError
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.TimeoutError
import sys
author = u'David Wilson'
copyright = u'2016, David Wilson'
exclude_patterns = ['_build']
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx']
html_show_sourcelink = False
html_show_sphinx = False
html_sidebars = {'**': ['globaltoc.html', 'github.html']}
html_static_path = ['_static']
html_theme = 'alabaster'
htmlhelp_basename = 'mitogendoc'
intersphinx_mapping = {'python': ('', None)}
language = None
master_doc = 'toc'
project = u'Mitogen'
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
release = u'master'
source_suffix = '.rst'
templates_path = ['_templates']
todo_include_todos = False
version = u'master'
Recursively Nested Bootstrap
This demonstrates the library's ability to use slave contexts to recursively
proxy connections to additional slave contexts, with a uniform API to any
slave, and all features (function calls, import forwarding, stdio forwarding,
log forwarding) functioning transparently.
This example uses a chain of local contexts for clarity, however SSH and sudo
contexts work identically.
.. code-block:: python
import os
import mitogen.utils
def main(router):
context = None
for x in range(1, 11):
print 'Connect local%d via %s' % (x, context)
context = router.local(via=context, name='local%d' % x), 'pstree -s python -s mitogen')
.. code-block:: shell
$ python
Connect local1 via None
Connect local2 via Context(1, 'local1')
Connect local3 via Context(2, 'local2')
Connect local4 via Context(3, 'local3')
Connect local5 via Context(4, 'local4')
Connect local6 via Context(5, 'local5')
Connect local7 via Context(6, 'local6')
Connect local8 via Context(7, 'local7')
Connect local9 via Context(8, 'local8')
Connect local10 via Context(9, 'local9')
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: -+= 00001 root /sbin/launchd
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 08126 dmw /Applications/
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 10638 dmw /Applications/ --server bash --login
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 10639 dmw bash --login
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 13632 dmw python
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13633 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13632
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13635 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13633
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13637 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13635
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13639 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13637
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13641 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13639
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13643 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13641
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13645 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13643
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13647 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13645
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13649 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13647
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13651 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13649
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13653 dmw pstree -s python -s mitogen
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \--- 13654 root ps -axwwo user,pid,ppid,pgid,command
Getting Started
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<node id="n1">
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<y:Geometry height="30.0" width="140.0" x="319.0" y="239.0"/>
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<y:NodeLabel alignment="center" autoSizePolicy="content" fontFamily="Dialog" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="18.1328125" modelName="custom" textColor="#000000" visible="true" width="70.55078125" x="34.724609375" y="5.93359375">ssh:bastion<y:LabelModel>
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<node id="n3">
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This diff is collapsed.
Internal API Reference
Side Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.Side
Stream Classes
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.BasicStream
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.Stream
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Stream
.. autoclass:: mitogen.ssh.Stream
Other Stream Subclasses
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.IoLogger
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.Waker
ExternalContext Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.core.ExternalContext
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.ProcessMonitor
Helper Functions
.. autofunction:: mitogen.master.create_child
.. autofunction:: mitogen.master.get_child_modules
.. autofunction:: mitogen.master.minimize_source
Table Of Contents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Minimal demo of running an Ansible module via mitogen.
import json
import logging
import time
import mitogen
import mitogen.master
import mitogen.utils
# Prevent accident import of an Ansible module from hanging on stdin read.
import ansible.module_utils.basic
ansible.module_utils.basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = '{}'
class Exit(Exception):
Raised when a module exits with success.
def __init__(self, dct):
self.dct = dct
class ModuleError(Exception):
Raised when a module voluntarily indicates failure via .fail_json().
def __init__(self, msg, dct):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
self.dct = dct
def wtf_exit_json(self, **kwargs):
Replace AnsibleModule.exit_json() with something that doesn't try to
suicide the process or JSON-encode the dictionary. Instead, cause Exit to
be raised, with a `dct` attribute containing the successful result
kwargs.setdefault('changed', False)
kwargs.setdefault('invocation', {
'module_args': self.params
kwargs = ansible.module_utils.basic.remove_values(kwargs, self.no_log_values)
raise Exit(kwargs)
def wtf_fail_json(self, **kwargs):
Replace AnsibleModule.fail_json() with something that raises ModuleError,
which includes a `dct` attribute.
kwargs.setdefault('failed', True)
kwargs.setdefault('invocation', {
'module_args': self.params
kwargs = ansible.module_utils.basic.remove_values(kwargs, self.no_log_values)
raise ModuleError(kwargs.get('msg'), kwargs)
def run_module(module, raw_params=None, args=None):
Set up the process environment in preparation for running an Ansible
module. The monkey-patches the Ansible libraries in various places to
prevent it from trying to kill the process on completion, and to prevent it
from reading sys.stdin.
if args is None:
args = {}
if raw_params is not None:
args['_raw_params'] = raw_params
ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json = wtf_exit_json
ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.fail_json = wtf_fail_json
ansible.module_utils.basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = json.dumps({
mod = __import__(module, {}, {}, [''])
# Ansible modules begin execution on import, because they're crap from
# hell. Thus the above __import__ will cause either Exit or
# ModuleError to be raised. If we reach the line below, the module did
# not execute and must already have been imported for a previous
# invocation, so we need to invoke main explicitly.
except Exit, e:
return e.dct
def main(router):
fmt = '%(asctime)s %(levelname).1s %(name)s: %(message)s'
datefmt = '%H:%M:%S'
level = logging.DEBUG
level = logging.INFO
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=fmt, datefmt=datefmt)
context = mitogen.master.connect(broker)
print, 'ansible.modules.core.system.setup')
for x in xrange(10):
print, 'ansible.modules.core.commands.command', 'hostname')
if __name__ == '__main__' and not mitogen.slave:
On the Mitogen master, this is imported from ``mitogen/`` as would
be expected. On the slave, it is built dynamically during startup.
#: This is ``False`` in slave contexts. It is used in single-file Python
#: programs to avoid reexecuting the program's :py:func:`main` function in the
#: slave. For example:
#: .. code-block:: python
#: def do_work():
#: os.system('hostname')
#: def main(broker):
#: context = mitogen.master.connect(broker)
#: # Causes slave to import __main__.
#: if __name__ == '__main__' and mitogen.master:
#: import mitogen.utils
#: mitogen.utils.run_with_broker(main)
master = True
#: This is ``0`` in a master, otherwise it is a master-generated ID unique to
#: the slave context used for message routing.
context_id = 0
#: This is ``None`` in a master, otherwise it is the master-generated ID unique
#: to the slave's parent context.
parent_id = None
Basic Ansible connection plug-in mostly useful for testing functionality,
due to Ansible's use of the multiprocessing package a lot more work is required
to share the mitogen SSH connection across tasks.
Enable it by:
$ cat ansible.cfg
connection_plugins = plugins/connection
$ mkdir -p plugins/connection
$ cat > plugins/connection/ <<-EOF
from mitogen.ansible.connection import Connection
import mitogen.master
import mitogen.ssh
import mitogen.utils
from mitogen.ansible import helpers
import ansible.plugins.connection
class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
broker = None
context = None
become_methods = []
transport = 'mitogen'
def connected(self):
return is not None
def _connect(self):
if self.connected:
return = mitogen.master.Broker()
if self._play_context.remote_addr == 'localhost':
self.context = mitogen.master.connect(
self.context = mitogen.ssh.connect(broker,
def exec_command(self, cmd, in_data=None, sudoable=True):
super(Connection, self).exec_command(cmd, in_data=in_data, sudoable=sudoable)
if in_data:
raise AnsibleError("does not support module pipelining")
return, cmd, in_data)
def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path):
output =, in_path)
helpers.write_path(out_path, output)
def put_file(self, in_path, out_path):, out_path,
def close(self):
Ansible is so poorly layered that attempting to import anything under
ansible.plugins automatically triggers import of __main__, which causes
remote execution of the ansible command-line tool. :(
So here we define helpers in some sanely layered package where the entirety of
Ansible won't be imported.
import subprocess
def exec_command(cmd, in_data=None):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(in_data)
return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr
def read_path(path):
return file(path, 'rb').read()
def write_path(path, s):
open(path, 'wb').write(s)
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Functionality to allow establishing new slave contexts over an SSH connection.
import commands
import mitogen.master
class Stream(mitogen.master.Stream):
python_path = 'python'
#: The path to the SSH binary.
ssh_path = 'ssh'
def construct(self, hostname, username=None, ssh_path=None, **kwargs):
super(Stream, self).construct(**kwargs)
self.hostname = hostname
self.username = username
if ssh_path:
self.ssh_path = ssh_path
def get_boot_command(self):
bits = [self.ssh_path]
if self.username:
bits += ['-l', self.username]
base = super(Stream, self).get_boot_command()
return bits + map(commands.mkarg, base)
def connect(self):
super(Stream, self).connect() = 'ssh.' + self.hostname
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Functionality to allow a slave context to reconnect back to its master using a
plain TCP connection.
import socket
import mitogen.core
class Listener(mitogen.core.BasicStream):
def __init__(self, broker, address=None, backlog=30):
self._broker = broker
self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self._sock.bind(address or ('', 0))
self.address = self._sock.getsockname()
self.receive_side = mitogen.core.Side(self, self._sock.fileno())
def on_receive(self, broker):
sock, addr = self._sock.accept()
context = Context(self._broker, name=addr)
stream = mitogen.core.Stream(context)
stream.accept(sock.fileno(), sock.fileno())
def listen(broker, address=None, backlog=30):
"""Listen on `address` for connections from newly spawned contexts."""
return Listener(broker, address, backlog)
def connect(context):
"""Connect to a Broker at the address specified in our associated
LOG.debug('%s.connect()', __name__)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.receive_side = mitogen.core.Side(self, sock.fileno())
self.transmit_side = mitogen.core.Side(self, sock.fileno())
A random assortment of utility functions useful on masters and slaves.
import logging
import sys
import mitogen
import mitogen.core
import mitogen.master
LOG = logging.getLogger('mitogen')
def disable_site_packages():
"""Remove all entries mentioning site-packages or Extras from the system
path. Used primarily for testing on OS X within a virtualenv, where OS X
bundles some ancient version of the 'six' module."""
for entry in sys.path[:]:
if 'site-packages' in entry or 'Extras' in entry:
def log_to_tmp():
import os
log_to_file(path='/tmp/mitogen.%s.log' % (os.getpid(),))
def log_to_file(path=None, io=True, level=logging.INFO):
"""Install a new :py:class:`logging.Handler` writing applications logs to
the filesystem. Useful when debugging slave IO problems."""
log = logging.getLogger('')
if path:
fp = open(path, 'w', 1)
fp = sys.stderr
if io:
fmt = '%(asctime)s %(levelname).1s %(name)s: %(message)s'
datefmt = '%H:%M:%S'
handler = logging.StreamHandler(fp)
handler.formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt)
log.handlers.insert(0, handler)
def run_with_router(func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Arrange for `func(broker, *args, **kwargs)` to run with a temporary
:py:class:`mitogen.master.Router`, ensuring the Router and Broker are
correctly shut down during normal or exceptional return."""
broker = mitogen.master.Broker()
router = mitogen.master.Router(broker)
return func(router, *args, **kwargs)
def with_router(func):
"""Decorator version of :py:func:`run_with_broker`. Example:
.. code-block:: python
def do_stuff(broker, arg):
do_stuff(blah, 123)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return run_with_router(func, *args, **kwargs)
wrapper.func_name = func.func_name
return wrapper
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from distutils.core import setup
name = 'mitogen',
version = '0.0.0',
description = 'Library for writing distributed self-replicating programs. THIS PACKAGE IS INCOMPLETE. IT IS BEING UPLOADED BECAUSE PYPI MAINTAINERS BROKE THE REGISTER COMMAND',
author = 'David Wilson',
license = 'OpenLDAP BSD',
url = '',
py_packages = ['Mitogen'],
zip_safe = False
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import simple_pkg.b
def subtract_one_add_two(n):
return simple_pkg.b.subtract_one(n) + 2
def subtract_one(n):
return n - 1
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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