Commit e8386b9b authored by Martín Ferrari's avatar Martín Ferrari

graphs update, plus simu runs with nopic

parent ebcea368
set terminal postscript colour enhanced landscape lw 1 10
set key box left top width 1 title 'Test run'
set xlabel 'Number of namespaces'
set key box left top width 1 title 'Experiment'
set xlabel 'Number of nodes'
set ylabel 'Processing cost per packet (10E-6 sec)'
set title 'Comparison of the different methods with 1000b packets'
set title 'Processing cost for 1000-byte packets'
set xrange [0:35]
plot \
'results.txt' index 0 every 8::1 using 2:3 title "posixuser-ns3kernel" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 1 every 8::1 using 2:3 title "ns3user-ns3kernel" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 2 every 8::1 using 2:3 title "posixuser-linuxkernel-small" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 3 every 13::11 using 1:($10/$3) title "netns" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 4 every 13::11 using 1:($10/$3) title "netns+bridging" with linespoints
'results-simu.txt' index 0 every 8::1 using 2:3 title "Exp 1" with linespoints, \
'results-simu.txt' index 1 every 8::1 using 2:3 title "Exp 2" with linespoints, \
'results-simu.txt' index 2 every 8::1 using 2:3 title "Exp 3" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 0 every 13::11 using 1:($10/$3) title "Exp 4" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 1 every 13::11 using 1:($10/$3) title "Exp 4bis" with linespoints
%%Creator: gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 3
%%CreationDate: Fri Aug 13 18:20:28 2010
%%CreationDate: Mon Aug 16 13:02:27 2010
%%DocumentFonts: (atend)
%%BoundingBox: 50 50 554 770
%%Orientation: Landscape
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ SDict begin [
/Author (Martin_Hernan Ferrari,L133,2417)
% /Producer (gnuplot)
% /Keywords ()
/CreationDate (Fri Aug 13 18:20:28 2010)
/CreationDate (Mon Aug 16 13:02:27 2010)
/DOCINFO pdfmark
} ifelse
......@@ -472,83 +472,73 @@ stroke
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 855 M
510 934 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 855 M
450 934 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 50)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 1410 M
510 1569 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 1410 M
450 1569 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 100)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 1965 M
510 2203 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 1965 M
450 2203 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 150)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 2520 M
510 2837 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 2520 M
450 2837 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 200)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 3075 M
510 3471 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 3075 M
450 3471 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 250)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 3630 M
510 4106 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 3630 M
450 4106 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 300)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 4185 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 4185 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 350)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
510 4740 M
63 0 V
6457 0 R
-63 0 V
450 4740 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 400)]
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 350)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
......@@ -649,157 +639,157 @@ grestore
LCb setrgbcolor
3770 50 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Number of namespaces)]
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Number of nodes)]
] -33.3 MCshow
3770 4890 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Comparison of the different methods with 1000b packets)]
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Processing cost for 1000-byte packets)]
] -33.3 MCshow
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
1621 4627 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Test run)]
1051 4627 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Experiment)]
] -33.3 MCshow
1.000 UL
570 4077 N
0 600 V
2103 0 V
963 0 V
0 -600 V
-2103 0 V
-963 0 V
Z stroke
570 4577 M
2103 0 V
963 0 V
1.000 UP
2250 4527 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (posixuser-ns3kernel)]
1110 4527 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 1)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2310 4527 M
1170 4527 M
303 0 V
696 664 M
187 83 V
186 181 V
186 123 V
1118 812 V
4236 3243 L
696 664 Pls
883 747 Pls
1069 928 Pls
1255 1051 Pls
2373 1863 Pls
4236 3243 Pls
2461 4527 Pls
696 442 M
187 43 V
186 92 V
186 82 V
1118 526 V
1863 865 V
696 442 Pls
883 485 Pls
1069 577 Pls
1255 659 Pls
2373 1185 Pls
4236 2050 Pls
1321 4527 Pls
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2250 4427 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (ns3user-ns3kernel)]
1110 4427 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 2)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2310 4427 M
1170 4427 M
303 0 V
696 472 M
187 60 V
186 120 V
186 118 V
1118 680 V
4236 2545 L
696 472 Crs
883 532 Crs
1069 652 Crs
1255 770 Crs
2373 1450 Crs
4236 2545 Crs
2461 4427 Crs
696 583 M
187 77 V
186 155 V
186 103 V
1118 660 V
4236 2684 L
696 583 Crs
883 660 Crs
1069 815 Crs
1255 918 Crs
2373 1578 Crs
4236 2684 Crs
1321 4427 Crs
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2250 4327 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (posixuser-linuxkernel-small)]
1110 4327 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 3)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2310 4327 M
1170 4327 M
303 0 V
696 532 M
883 768 L
186 218 V
186 224 V
2373 2442 L
4236 4522 L
696 532 Star
883 768 Star
1069 986 Star
1255 1210 Star
2373 2442 Star
4236 4522 Star
2461 4327 Star
696 521 M
883 726 L
186 189 V
186 188 V
2373 2361 L
4236 4119 L
696 521 Star
883 726 Star
1069 915 Star
1255 1103 Star
2373 2361 Star
4236 4119 Star
1321 4327 Star
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2250 4227 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (netns)]
1110 4227 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 4)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2310 4227 M
1170 4227 M
303 0 V
696 437 M
187 20 V
186 26 V
186 24 V
373 47 V
372 46 V
745 113 V
746 94 V
2980 403 V
559 112 V
696 437 Box
883 457 Box
1069 483 Box
1255 507 Box
1628 554 Box
2000 600 Box
2745 713 Box
3491 807 Box
6471 1210 Box
2461 4227 Box
696 456 M
187 23 V
186 30 V
186 28 V
373 53 V
372 53 V
745 129 V
746 108 V
2980 460 V
559 128 V
696 456 Box
883 479 Box
1069 509 Box
1255 537 Box
1628 590 Box
2000 643 Box
2745 772 Box
3491 880 Box
6471 1340 Box
1321 4227 Box
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2250 4127 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (netns+bridging)]
1110 4127 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 4bis)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2310 4127 M
1170 4127 M
303 0 V
696 438 M
187 58 V
186 61 V
186 52 V
373 127 V
372 87 V
745 217 V
746 224 V
2980 837 V
559 174 V
696 438 BoxF
883 496 BoxF
1069 557 BoxF
1255 609 BoxF
1628 736 BoxF
2000 823 BoxF
2745 1040 BoxF
3491 1264 BoxF
6471 2101 BoxF
2461 4127 BoxF
696 457 M
187 67 V
186 69 V
186 60 V
373 146 V
372 99 V
745 248 V
746 256 V
2980 957 V
559 198 V
696 457 BoxF
883 524 BoxF
1069 593 BoxF
1255 653 BoxF
1628 799 BoxF
2000 898 BoxF
2745 1146 BoxF
3491 1402 BoxF
6471 2359 BoxF
1321 4127 BoxF
1.000 UL
510 4740 N
set terminal postscript colour enhanced landscape lw 1 10
set key box left top width 1 title 'Test run'
set key box left top width 1 title 'Experiment'
set xlabel 'Payload size (UDP packet)'
set ylabel 'Processing cost per packet (10E-6 sec)'
set title 'Comparison of the different methods w/4 nodes'
set title 'Processing cost for a 4-node topology'
set xrange [0:1500]
plot \
'results.txt' index 0 every ::24::31 using 1:3 title "posixuser-ns3kernel" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 1 every ::24::31 using 1:3 title "ns3user-ns3kernel" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 2 every ::24::31 using 1:3 title "posixuser-linuxkernel-small" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 3 every ::39::51 using ($4-42):($10/$3) title "netns" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 4 every ::39::51 using ($4-42):($10/$3) title "netns+bridging" with linespoints
'results-simu.txt' index 0 every ::24::31 using 1:3 title "Exp 1" with linespoints, \
'results-simu.txt' index 1 every ::24::31 using 1:3 title "Exp 2" with linespoints, \
'results-simu.txt' index 3 every ::24::31 using 1:3 title "Exp 3" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 0 every ::39::51 using ($4-42):($10/$3) title "Exp 4" with linespoints, \
'results.txt' index 1 every ::39::51 using ($4-42):($10/$3) title "Exp 4bis" with linespoints
%%Creator: gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 3
%%CreationDate: Fri Aug 13 18:19:47 2010
%%CreationDate: Mon Aug 16 13:02:31 2010
%%DocumentFonts: (atend)
%%BoundingBox: 50 50 554 770
%%Orientation: Landscape
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ SDict begin [
/Author (Martin_Hernan Ferrari,L133,2417)
% /Producer (gnuplot)
% /Keywords ()
/CreationDate (Fri Aug 13 18:19:47 2010)
/CreationDate (Mon Aug 16 13:02:31 2010)
/DOCINFO pdfmark
} ifelse
......@@ -472,83 +472,63 @@ stroke
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 855 M
450 1040 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 855 M
390 1040 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 20)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 1410 M
450 1780 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 1410 M
390 1780 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 30)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 1965 M
450 2520 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 1965 M
390 2520 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 40)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 2520 M
450 3260 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 2520 M
390 3260 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 50)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 3075 M
450 4000 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 3075 M
390 4000 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 60)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 3630 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 3630 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 70)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 4185 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 4185 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 80)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
450 4740 M
63 0 V
6517 0 R
-63 0 V
390 4740 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 90)]
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 ( 70)]
] -33.3 MRshow
1.000 UL
......@@ -653,179 +633,179 @@ LCb setrgbcolor
] -33.3 MCshow
3740 4890 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Comparison of the different methods w/4 nodes)]
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Processing cost for a 4-node topology)]
] -33.3 MCshow
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
1561 4627 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Test run)]
991 4627 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Experiment)]
] -33.3 MCshow
1.000 UL
510 4077 N
0 600 V
2103 0 V
963 0 V
0 -600 V
-2103 0 V
-963 0 V
Z stroke
510 4577 M
2103 0 V
963 0 V
1.000 UP
2190 4527 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (posixuser-ns3kernel)]
1050 4527 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 1)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2250 4527 M
1110 4527 M
303 0 V
6591 3635 M
4837 3499 L
3082 3325 L
2205 3095 L
889 3109 L
801 2994 L
-219 19 V
494 4041 L
6591 3635 Pls
4837 3499 Pls
3082 3325 Pls
2205 3095 Pls
889 3109 Pls
801 2994 Pls
582 3013 Pls
494 4041 Pls
2401 4527 Pls
6591 1727 M
4837 1653 L
3082 1640 L
-877 -31 V
889 1587 L
-88 -21 V
582 1780 L
-88 788 V
6591 1727 Pls
4837 1653 Pls
3082 1640 Pls
2205 1609 Pls
889 1587 Pls
801 1566 Pls
582 1780 Pls
494 2568 Pls
1261 4527 Pls
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2190 4427 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (ns3user-ns3kernel)]
1050 4427 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 2)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2250 4427 M
1110 4427 M
303 0 V
6591 2097 M
-1754 0 V
3082 2028 L
-877 -5 V
889 1999 L
-88 -11 V
582 2237 L
-88 928 V
6591 2097 Crs
4837 2097 Crs
3082 2028 Crs
2205 2023 Crs
889 1999 Crs
801 1988 Crs
582 2237 Crs
494 3165 Crs
2401 4427 Crs
6591 3321 M
4837 3166 L
-1755 70 V
2205 2635 L
889 2623 L
801 2523 L
582 2485 L
-88 778 V
6591 3321 Crs
4837 3166 Crs
3082 3236 Crs
2205 2635 Crs
889 2623 Crs
801 2523 Crs
582 2485 Crs
494 3263 Crs
1261 4427 Crs
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2190 4327 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (posixuser-linuxkernel-small)]
1050 4327 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 3)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2250 4327 M
1110 4327 M
303 0 V
4038 168 R
4837 4294 L
3082 3951 L
2205 3836 L
889 3669 L
-88 -73 V
582 3521 L
-88 693 V
6591 4495 Star
4837 4294 Star
3082 3951 Star
2205 3836 Star
889 3669 Star
801 3596 Star
582 3521 Star
494 4214 Star
2401 4327 Star
5178 364 R
4837 4466 L
3082 4124 L
2205 3891 L
889 3743 L
801 3618 L
582 3562 L
-88 787 V
6591 4691 Star
4837 4466 Star
3082 4124 Star
2205 3891 Star
889 3743 Star
801 3618 Star
582 3562 Star
494 4349 Star
1261 4327 Star
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2190 4227 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (netns)]
1050 4227 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 4)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2250 4227 M
1110 4227 M
303 0 V
450 728 M
4 33 V
5 -18 V
9 4 V
17 50 V
35 -56 V
70 10 V
731 739 L
280 9 V
562 4 V
1123 17 V
2246 13 V
1904 36 V
450 728 Box
454 761 Box
459 743 Box
468 747 Box
485 797 Box
520 741 Box
590 751 Box
731 739 Box
1011 748 Box
1573 752 Box
2696 769 Box
4942 782 Box
6846 818 Box
2401 4227 Box
450 871 M
4 44 V
5 -25 V
9 6 V
17 67 V
35 -75 V
70 13 V
731 886 L
280 12 V
562 5 V
1123 22 V
2246 17 V
1904 48 V
450 871 Box
454 915 Box
459 890 Box
468 896 Box
485 963 Box
520 888 Box
590 901 Box
731 886 Box
1011 898 Box
1573 903 Box
2696 925 Box
4942 942 Box
6846 990 Box
1261 4227 Box
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
2190 4127 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (netns+bridging)]
1050 4127 M
[ [(Helvetica) 100.0 0.0 true true 0 (Exp 4bis)]
] -33.3 MRshow
2250 4127 M
1110 4127 M
303 0 V
450 1213 M
4 15 V
5 7 V
450 1518 M
4 20 V
5 9 V
9 3 V
17 -8 V
35 4 V
70 -3 V
141 6 V
280 1 V
562 11 V
17 -10 V
35 5 V
70 -4 V
141 8 V
280 2 V
562 15 V
1123 1 V
2246 38 V
1904 9 V
450 1213 BoxF
454 1228 BoxF
459 1235 BoxF
468 1238 BoxF
485 1230 BoxF
520 1234 BoxF
590 1231 BoxF
731 1237 BoxF
1011 1238 BoxF
1573 1249 BoxF
2696 1250 BoxF
4942 1288 BoxF
6846 1297 BoxF
2401 4127 BoxF
2246 50 V
1904 12 V
450 1518 BoxF
454 1538 BoxF
459 1547 BoxF
468 1550 BoxF
485 1540 BoxF
520 1545 BoxF
590 1541 BoxF
731 1549 BoxF
1011 1551 BoxF
1573 1566 BoxF
2696 1567 BoxF
4942 1617 BoxF
6846 1629 BoxF
1261 4127 BoxF
1.000 UL
450 4740 N
# posixuser-ns3kernel
# pktsz nodes usec mem
1400.0 1.0 33.6287 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1000.0 1.0 32.805 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
600.0 1.0 30.7124 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
400.0 1.0 29.6638 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
100.0 1.0 28.9701 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
80.0 1.0 25.9326 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
30.0 1.0 18.5455 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
10.0 1.0 14.8999 240000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1400.0 2.0 41.7533 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1000.0 2.0 40.2306 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
600.0 2.0 38.0857 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
400.0 2.0 37.1205 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
100.0 2.0 36.7126 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
80.0 2.0 33.7271 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
30.0 2.0 36.2389 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
10.0 2.0 54.1188 272000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1400.0 3.0 58.3801 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1000.0 3.0 56.5666 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
600.0 3.0 54.1307 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
400.0 3.0 51.4394 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
100.0 3.0 50.1573 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
80.0 3.0 47.3261 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
30.0 3.0 48.2969 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
10.0 3.0 67.2236 280000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1400.0 4.0 70.0939 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1000.0 4.0 67.6369 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
600.0 4.0 64.5031 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
400.0 4.0 60.3549 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
100.0 4.0 60.6158 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
80.0 4.0 58.5361 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
30.0 4.0 58.8826 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
10.0 4.0 77.4014 292000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1400.0 10.0 146.431 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1000.0 10.0 140.815 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
600.0 10.0 135.573 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
400.0 10.0 130.168 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
100.0 10.0 127.205 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
80.0 10.0 123.018 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
30.0 10.0 122.066 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
10.0 10.0 138.725 352000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1400.0 20.0 270.781 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
1000.0 20.0 265.18 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
600.0 20.0 250.17 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
400.0 20.0 238.731 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
100.0 20.0 234.36 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
80.0 20.0 236.332 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
30.0 20.0 228.112 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
10.0 20.0 241.532 452000.0 posixuser-ns3kernel
# ns3user-ns3kernel
1400.0 1.0 16.0265 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1000.0 1.0 15.5265 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
600.0 1.0 15.079 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
400.0 1.0 14.7369 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
100.0 1.0 14.4474 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
80.0 1.0 14.5369 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
30.0 1.0 14.4711 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
10.0 1.0 14.5303 276000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1400.0 2.0 21.3687 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1000.0 2.0 20.9213 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
600.0 2.0 20.4475 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
400.0 2.0 20.2106 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
100.0 2.0 19.4737 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
80.0 2.0 19.4737 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
30.0 2.0 23.9811 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
10.0 2.0 41.035 304000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1400.0 3.0 32.0536 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1000.0 3.0 31.7114 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
600.0 3.0 30.7109 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
400.0 3.0 30.2635 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
100.0 3.0 29.8027 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
80.0 3.0 29.9474 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
30.0 3.0 34.7558 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
10.0 3.0 51.5251 316000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1400.0 4.0 42.3698 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1000.0 4.0 42.3695 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
600.0 4.0 41.1321 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
400.0 4.0 41.0531 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
100.0 4.0 40.6054 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
80.0 4.0 40.4107 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
30.0 4.0 44.899 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
10.0 4.0 61.6201 324000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1400.0 10.0 103.72 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1000.0 10.0 103.559 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
600.0 10.0 103.11 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
400.0 10.0 102.793 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
100.0 10.0 101.606 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
80.0 10.0 99.8746 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
30.0 10.0 104.11 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
10.0 10.0 122.266 384000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1400.0 20.0 206.909 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
1000.0 20.0 202.266 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
600.0 20.0 205.28 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
400.0 20.0 198.223 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
100.0 20.0 200.991 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
80.0 20.0 200.656 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
30.0 20.0 202.221 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
10.0 20.0 221.972 484000.0 ns3user-ns3kernel
# posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1400.0 1.0 22.2932 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1000.0 1.0 20.925 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
600.0 1.0 19.2864 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
400.0 1.0 18.2089 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
100.0 1.0 17.5388 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
80.0 1.0 14.4959 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
30.0 1.0 7.34927 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
10.0 1.0 4.23066 1096000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1400.0 2.0 44.2093 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1000.0 2.0 42.1212 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
600.0 2.0 39.3832 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
400.0 2.0 37.7703 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
100.0 2.0 35.9847 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
80.0 2.0 33.8802 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
30.0 2.0 34.3338 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
10.0 2.0 46.3879 816000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1400.0 3.0 64.9952 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1000.0 3.0 61.8351 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
600.0 3.0 58.3487 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
400.0 3.0 55.5508 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
100.0 3.0 54.1084 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
80.0 3.0 51.6122 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
30.0 3.0 51.7856 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
10.0 3.0 63.3997 1168000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1400.0 4.0 85.5928 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1000.0 4.0 81.9561 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
600.0 4.0 75.7766 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
400.0 4.0 73.7114 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
100.0 4.0 70.707 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
80.0 4.0 69.3894 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
30.0 4.0 68.0393 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
10.0 4.0 80.5315 1524000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1400.0 10.0 200.529 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1000.0 10.0 193.001 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
600.0 10.0 181.354 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
400.0 10.0 176.608 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
100.0 10.0 172.418 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
80.0 10.0 169.788 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
30.0 10.0 158.479 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
10.0 10.0 176.682 3656000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1400.0 20.0 389.524 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
1000.0 20.0 380.405 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
600.0 20.0 359.092 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
400.0 20.0 348.215 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
100.0 20.0 344.386 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
80.0 20.0 340.992 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
30.0 20.0 297.17 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
10.0 20.0 344.38 7208000.0 posixuser-linuxkernel-small
#Nodes Bytes received Packets received Packet size Payload size Errors Min delay Average delay Max delay Jitter Total time Link-level bandwidth Command line
1 35958426 856153 42 0 0 -1 0 0 10000007 28766720 --format=csv -n 1 -s 42 --use-p2p
1 36350867 845369 43 1 0 -1 0 0 10000009 29080667 --format=csv -n 1 -s 43 --use-p2p
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