Commit 2dcc079b authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

client: do never reconnect to master if already connected

parent d85b471d
......@@ -107,11 +107,9 @@ class Application(object):
# _cache_lock is used for the client cache
self._cache_lock_acquire = lock.acquire
self._cache_lock_release = lock.release
lock = Lock()
# _connecting_to_master_node is used to prevent simultaneous master
# node connection attemps
self._connecting_to_master_node_acquire = lock.acquire
self._connecting_to_master_node_release = lock.release
self._connecting_to_master_node = Lock()
# _nm ensure exclusive access to the node manager
lock = Lock()
self._nm_acquire = lock.acquire
......@@ -231,15 +229,16 @@ class Application(object):
def _getMasterConnection(self):
""" Connect to the primary master node on demand """
# acquire the lock to allow only one thread to connect to the primary
# For performance reasons, get 'master_conn' without locking.
result = self.master_conn
if result is None:
# If not connected, 'master_conn' must be tested again while we have
# the lock, to avoid concurrent threads reconnecting.
with self._connecting_to_master_node:
result = self.master_conn
if result is None:
self.new_oid_list = []
result = self._connectToPrimaryNode()
result = self.master_conn = self._connectToPrimaryNode()
return result
def getPartitionTable(self):
......@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ class PrimaryBootstrapHandler(AnswerBaseHandler):
# Always create partition table = PartitionTable(num_partitions, num_replicas)
app.master_conn = conn
def answerPartitionTable(self, conn, ptid, row_list):
assert row_list
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