Commit 74f1a484 authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Rename private methods _check* to _decode* for consistency, because they are use

during in packet decoding.

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent fe3cd624
......@@ -482,25 +482,25 @@ def handle_errors(decoder):
raise PacketMalformedError("%s fail (%s)" % (name, msg))
return wrapper
def _checkClusterState(state):
def _decodeClusterState(state):
cluster_state = cluster_states.get(state)
if cluster_state is None:
raise PacketMalformedError('invalid node state %d' % state)
return cluster_state
def _checkNodeState(state):
def _decodeNodeState(state):
node_state = node_states.get(state)
if node_state is None:
raise PacketMalformedError('invalid node state %d' % state)
return node_state
def _checkNodeType(original_node_type):
def _decodeNodeType(original_node_type):
node_type = node_types.get(original_node_type)
if node_type is None:
raise PacketMalformedError('invalid node type %d' % original_node_type)
return node_type
def _checkAddress(address):
def _decodeAddress(address):
if address == '\0' * 6:
return None
(ip, port) = unpack('!4sH', address)
......@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ def _encodeAddress(address):
return '\0' * 6
return pack('!4sH', inet_aton(address[0]), address[1])
def _checkUUID(uuid):
def _decodeUUID(uuid):
if uuid == INVALID_UUID:
return None
return uuid
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ def _encodeUUID(uuid):
return uuid
def _checkPTID(ptid):
def _decodePTID(ptid):
if ptid == INVALID_PTID:
return None
return ptid
......@@ -561,10 +561,10 @@ decode_table[PONG] = _decodePong
def _decodeRequestNodeIdentification(body):
r = unpack('!LLH16s6s', body[:32])
major, minor, node_type, uuid, address = r
address = _checkAddress(address)
address = _decodeAddress(address)
(name, _) = _readString(body, 'name', offset=32)
node_type = _checkNodeType(node_type)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
node_type = _decodeNodeType(node_type)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
if (major, minor) != PROTOCOL_VERSION:
raise PacketMalformedError('protocol version mismatch')
return node_type, uuid, address, name
......@@ -574,10 +574,10 @@ decode_table[REQUEST_NODE_IDENTIFICATION] = _decodeRequestNodeIdentification
def _decodeAcceptNodeIdentification(body):
r = unpack('!H16s6sLL16s', body)
node_type, uuid, address, num_partitions, num_replicas, your_uuid = r
address = _checkAddress(address)
node_type = _checkNodeType(node_type)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
your_uuid == _checkUUID(uuid)
address = _decodeAddress(address)
node_type = _decodeNodeType(node_type)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
your_uuid == _decodeUUID(uuid)
return (node_type, uuid, address, num_partitions, num_replicas, your_uuid)
decode_table[ACCEPT_NODE_IDENTIFICATION] = _decodeAcceptNodeIdentification
......@@ -592,10 +592,10 @@ def _decodeAnswerPrimaryMaster(body):
known_master_list = []
for i in xrange(n):
address, uuid = unpack('!6s16s', body[20+i*22:42+i*22])
address = _checkAddress(address)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
address = _decodeAddress(address)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
known_master_list.append((address, uuid))
primary_uuid = _checkUUID(primary_uuid)
primary_uuid = _decodeUUID(primary_uuid)
return (primary_uuid, known_master_list)
decode_table[ANSWER_PRIMARY_MASTER] = _decodeAnswerPrimaryMaster
......@@ -616,10 +616,10 @@ def _decodeNotifyNodeInformation(body):
for i in xrange(n):
r = unpack('!H6s16sH', body[4+i*26:30+i*26])
node_type, address, uuid, state = r
address = _checkAddress(address)
node_type = _checkNodeType(node_type)
state = _checkNodeState(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
address = _decodeAddress(address)
node_type = _decodeNodeType(node_type)
state = _decodeNodeState(state)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
node_list.append((node_type, address, uuid, state))
return (node_list,)
decode_table[NOTIFY_NODE_INFORMATION] = _decodeNotifyNodeInformation
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ decode_table[ASK_LAST_IDS] = _decodeAskLastIDs
def _decodeAnswerLastIDs(body):
(loid, ltid, lptid) = unpack('!8s8s8s', body)
lptid = _checkPTID(lptid)
lptid = _decodePTID(lptid)
return (loid, ltid, lptid)
decode_table[ANSWER_LAST_IDS] = _decodeAnswerLastIDs
......@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ decode_table[ASK_PARTITION_TABLE] = _decodeAskPartitionTable
def _decodeAnswerPartitionTable(body):
index = 12
(ptid, n) = unpack('!8sL', body[:index])
ptid = _checkPTID(ptid)
ptid = _decodePTID(ptid)
row_list = []
cell_list = []
for i in xrange(n):
......@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ def _decodeAnswerPartitionTable(body):
uuid, state = unpack('!16sH', body[index:index+18])
index += 18
state = partition_cell_states.get(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
cell_list.append((uuid, state))
row_list.append((offset, tuple(cell_list)))
del cell_list[:]
......@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ decode_table[ANSWER_PARTITION_TABLE] = _decodeAnswerPartitionTable
def _decodeSendPartitionTable(body):
index = 12
(ptid, n,) = unpack('!8sL', body[:index])
ptid = _checkPTID(ptid)
ptid = _decodePTID(ptid)
row_list = []
cell_list = []
for i in xrange(n):
......@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ def _decodeSendPartitionTable(body):
uuid, state = unpack('!16sH', body[index:index+18])
index += 18
state = partition_cell_states.get(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
cell_list.append((uuid, state))
row_list.append((offset, tuple(cell_list)))
del cell_list[:]
......@@ -691,12 +691,12 @@ decode_table[SEND_PARTITION_TABLE] = _decodeSendPartitionTable
def _decodeNotifyPartitionChanges(body):
(ptid, n) = unpack('!8sL', body[:12])
ptid = _checkPTID(ptid)
ptid = _decodePTID(ptid)
cell_list = []
for i in xrange(n):
(offset, uuid, state) = unpack('!L16sH', body[12+i*22:34+i*22])
state = partition_cell_states.get(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
cell_list.append((offset, uuid, state))
return ptid, cell_list
decode_table[NOTIFY_PARTITION_CHANGES] = _decodeNotifyPartitionChanges
......@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ decode_table[ANSWER_OIDS] = _decodeAnswerOIDs
def _decodeAskPartitionList(body):
(min_offset, max_offset, uuid) = unpack('!LL16s', body)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
return (min_offset, max_offset, uuid)
decode_table[ASK_PARTITION_LIST] = _decodeAskPartitionList
......@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ decode_table[ASK_PARTITION_LIST] = _decodeAskPartitionList
def _decodeAnswerPartitionList(body):
index = 12
(ptid, n) = unpack('!8sL', body[:index])
ptid = _checkPTID(ptid)
ptid = _decodePTID(ptid)
row_list = []
cell_list = []
for i in xrange(n):
......@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ def _decodeAnswerPartitionList(body):
uuid, state = unpack('!16sH', body[index:index+18])
index += 18
state = partition_cell_states.get(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
cell_list.append((uuid, state))
row_list.append((offset, tuple(cell_list)))
del cell_list[:]
......@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ decode_table[ANSWER_PARTITION_LIST] = _decodeAnswerPartitionList
def _decodeAskNodeList(body):
(node_type, ) = unpack('!H', body)
node_type = _checkNodeType(node_type)
node_type = _decodeNodeType(node_type)
return (node_type,)
decode_table[ASK_NODE_LIST] = _decodeAskNodeList
......@@ -998,10 +998,10 @@ def _decodeAnswerNodeList(body):
for i in xrange(n):
r = unpack('!H6s16sH', body[4+i*26:30+i*26])
node_type, address, uuid, state = r
address = _checkAddress(address)
node_type = _checkNodeType(node_type)
state = _checkNodeState(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
address = _decodeAddress(address)
node_type = _decodeNodeType(node_type)
state = _decodeNodeState(state)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
node_list.append((node_type, address, uuid, state))
return (node_list,)
decode_table[ANSWER_NODE_LIST] = _decodeAnswerNodeList
......@@ -1009,16 +1009,16 @@ decode_table[ANSWER_NODE_LIST] = _decodeAnswerNodeList
def _decodeSetNodeState(body):
(uuid, state, modify) = unpack('!16sHB', body)
state = _checkNodeState(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
state = _decodeNodeState(state)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
return (uuid, state, modify)
decode_table[SET_NODE_STATE] = _decodeSetNodeState
def _decodeAnswerNodeState(body):
(uuid, state) = unpack('!16sH', body)
state = _checkNodeState(state)
uuid = _checkUUID(uuid)
state = _decodeNodeState(state)
uuid = _decodeUUID(uuid)
return (uuid, state)
decode_table[ANSWER_NODE_STATE] = _decodeAnswerNodeState
......@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ decode_table[ANSWER_NODE_STATE] = _decodeAnswerNodeState
def _decodeAddPendingNodes(body):
(n, ) = unpack('!H', body[:2])
uuid_list = [unpack('!16s', body[2+i*16:18+i*16])[0] for i in xrange(n)]
uuid_list = map(_checkUUID, uuid_list)
uuid_list = map(_decodeUUID, uuid_list)
return (uuid_list, )
decode_table[ADD_PENDING_NODES] = _decodeAddPendingNodes
......@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ decode_table[ADD_PENDING_NODES] = _decodeAddPendingNodes
def _decodeAnswerNewNodes(body):
(n, ) = unpack('!H', body[:2])
uuid_list = [unpack('!16s', body[2+i*16:18+i*16])[0] for i in xrange(n)]
uuid_list = map(_checkUUID, uuid_list)
uuid_list = map(_decodeUUID, uuid_list)
return (uuid_list, )
decode_table[ANSWER_NEW_NODES] = _decodeAnswerNewNodes
......@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ decode_table[ASK_CLUSTER_STATE] = _decodeAskClusterState
def _decodeAnswerClusterState(body):
(state, ) = unpack('!H', body)
state = _checkClusterState(state)
state = _decodeClusterState(state)
return (state, )
decode_table[ANSWER_CLUSTER_STATE] = _decodeAnswerClusterState
......@@ -1058,14 +1058,14 @@ decode_table[ANSWER_CLUSTER_STATE] = _decodeAnswerClusterState
def _decodeSetClusterState(body):
(state, ) = unpack('!H', body[:2])
(name, _) = _readString(body, 'name', offset=2)
state = _checkClusterState(state)
state = _decodeClusterState(state)
return (name, state)
decode_table[SET_CLUSTER_STATE] = _decodeSetClusterState
def _decodeNotifyClusterInformation(body):
(state, ) = unpack('!H', body)
state = _checkClusterState(state)
state = _decodeClusterState(state)
return (state, )
decode_table[NOTIFY_CLUSTER_INFORMATION] = _decodeNotifyClusterInformation
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