Commit cb78e6b2 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

qa: add a basic assertion in Patch to detect when patched code changes

parent 43fdd059
......@@ -409,10 +409,14 @@ class Patch(object):
with Patch(someObject, attrToPatch=newValue) as patch:
with Patch(someObject, [new,] attrToPatch=newValue) as patch:
[... code that runs with patches ...]
[... code that runs without patch ...]
The 'new' positional parameter defaults to False and it must be equal to
not hasattr(someObject, 'attrToPatch')
It is an assertion to detect when a Patch is obsolete.
' as patch' is optional: 'patch.revert()' can be used to revert patches
in the middle of the 'with' clause.
......@@ -424,7 +428,7 @@ class Patch(object):
In this case, patches are automatically reverted when 'patch' is deleted.
For patched callables, the new one receives the original value as first
argument if 'new' is True.
Alternative usage:
......@@ -448,12 +452,18 @@ class Patch(object):
return self
return patch
def __init__(self, patched, **patch):
def __init__(self, patched, *args, **patch):
new, = args or (0,)
(name, patch), = patch.iteritems()
self._patched = patched
self._name = name
wrapped = getattr(patched, name)
except AttributeError:
assert new, (patched, name)
assert not new, (patched, name)
if callable(patch):
wrapped = getattr(patched, name, None)
func = patch
patch = lambda *args, **kw: func(wrapped, *args, **kw)
if callable(wrapped):
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