Commit fcea96dc authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Add tests for storage/

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent 085b5320
# Copyright (C) 2009 Nexedi SA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import os
import unittest
import logging
import MySQLdb
from mock import Mock
from neo.protocol import *
from neo.exception import DatabaseFailure
from import MySQLDatabaseManager, p64, u64
NEO_SQL_USER = 'test'
NEO_SQL_DATABASE = 'test_neo1'
class StorageMySQSLdbTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
#logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.ERROR)
# SQL connection
connect_arg_dict = {'user': SQL_ADMIN_USER}
if SQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD is not None:
connect_arg_dict['passwd'] = SQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD
sql_connection = MySQLdb.Connect(**connect_arg_dict)
cursor = sql_connection.cursor()
# new database
cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s' % (NEO_SQL_DATABASE, ))
cursor.execute('GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO "%s"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "%s"' %
# db manager
self.db = MySQLDatabaseManager(
def tearDown(self):
def checkCalledQuery(self, query=None, call=0):
self.assertTrue(len(self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('query')) > call)
call = self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('query')[call]
def test_01_p64(self):
self.assertEquals(p64(0), '\0' * 8)
self.assertEquals(p64(1), '\0' * 7 +'\1')
def test_02_u64(self):
self.assertEquals(u64('\0' * 8), 0)
self.assertEquals(u64('\0' * 7 + '\n'), 10)
def test_03_MySQLDatabaseManagerInit(self):
db = MySQLDatabaseManager(
# init
self.assertEquals(db.db, NEO_SQL_DATABASE)
self.assertEquals(db.user, NEO_SQL_USER)
self.assertEquals(db.passwd, NEO_SQL_PASSWORD)
# & connect
import MySQLdb
self.assertTrue(isinstance(db.conn, MySQLdb.connection))
self.assertEquals(db.under_transaction, False)
def test_04_begin1(self):
# implicit commit
self.db.conn = Mock({ })
self.db.under_transaction = True
self.assertEquals(len(self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('commit')), 1)
self.assertEquals(self.db.under_transaction, True)
def test_05_begin2(self):
# no current transaction
self.db.conn = Mock({ })
self.db.under_transaction = True
self.assertEquals(self.db.under_transaction, True)
def test_06_rollback(self):
# rollback called and no current transaction
self.db.conn = Mock({ })
self.db.under_transaction = True
self.assertEquals(len(self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('rollback')), 1)
self.assertEquals(self.db.under_transaction, False)
def test_07_query1(self):
# fake result object
from array import array
result_object = Mock({
"num_rows": 1,
"fetch_row": ((1, 2, array('b', (1, 2, ))), ),
# expected formatted result
expected_result = (
(1, 2, '\x01\x02', ),
self.db.conn = Mock({ 'store_result': result_object })
result = self.db.query('QUERY')
self.assertEquals(result, expected_result)
calls = self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('query')
self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1)
def test_07_query2(self):
# test the OperationalError exception
# fake object, raise exception during the first call
from MySQLdb import OperationalError
from MySQLdb.constants.CR import SERVER_GONE_ERROR
class FakeConn(object):
def query(*args):
raise OperationalError(SERVER_GONE_ERROR, 'this is a test')
self.db.conn = FakeConn()
self.connect_called = False
def connect_hook():
# mock object, break raise/connect loop
self.db.conn = Mock({'num_rows': 0})
self.connect_called = True
self.db.connect = connect_hook
# make a query, exception will be raised then connect() will be
# called and the second query will use the mock object
def test_07_query3(self):
# OperationalError > raise DatabaseFailure exception
from MySQLdb import OperationalError
class FakeConn(object):
def query(*args):
raise OperationalError(-1, 'this is a test')
self.db.conn = FakeConn()
self.assertRaises(DatabaseFailure, self.db.query, 'QUERY')
def test_08_escape(self):
self.assertEquals(self.db.escape('a"b'), 'a\\"b')
self.assertEquals(self.db.escape("a'b"), "a\\'b")
def test_09_setup(self):
# create all tables
self.db.conn = Mock()
calls = self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('query')
self.assertEquals(len(calls), 6)
# create all tables but drop them first
self.db.conn = Mock()
calls = self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('query')
self.assertEquals(len(calls), 7)
def test_10_getConfiguration(self):
# check if a configuration entry is well read
result = self.db.getConfiguration('a')
# doesn't exists, None expected
self.assertEquals(result, None)
self.db.query("insert into config values ('a', 'b');")
result = self.db.getConfiguration('a')
# exists, check result
self.assertEquals(result, 'b')
def test_11_setConfiguration(self):
# check if a configuration entry is well written
self.db.setConfiguration('a', 'c')
result = self.db.getConfiguration('a')
self.assertEquals(result, 'c')
def checkConfigEntry(self, get_call, set_call, value):
# generic test for all configuration entries accessors
self.assertEquals(get_call(), None)
self.assertEquals(get_call(), value)
self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.IntegrityError, set_call, value * 2)
self.assertEquals(get_call(), value)
def test_12_UUID(self):
def test_13_NumPartitions(self):
def test_14_Name(self):
def test_15_PTID(self):
def test_16_getPartitionTable(self):
# insert an entry and check it
rid, uuid, state = '\x00' * 8, '\x00' * 16, 0
self.db.query("insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values ('%s', '%s', %d)" %
(u64(rid), uuid, state))
pt = self.db.getPartitionTable()
self.assertEquals(pt, ((0L, uuid, state), ))
def test_17_getLastOID(self):
# should search in obj table only
self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (3, 'A', 0, 0, '')""")
self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (1, 'A', 0, 0, '')""")
self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (2, 'A', 0, 0, '')""")
result = self.db.getLastOID()
self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x03')
# should look in temporary table too
self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (5, 'A', 0, 0, '')""")
result = self.db.getLastOID(all=True)
self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x05')
def test_18_getLastTID(self):
# max TID is in obj table
self.db.query("""insert into trans (tid, oids, user,
description, ext) values (1, '', '', '', '')""")
self.db.query("""insert into trans (tid, oids, user,
description, ext) values (2, '', '', '', '')""")
result = self.db.getLastTID()
self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x02')
# max tid is in ttrans table
self.db.query("""insert into ttrans (tid, oids, user,
description, ext) values (3, '', '', '', '')""")
result = self.db.getLastTID()
self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x03')
# max tid is in tobj (serial)
self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (0, 4, 0, 0, '')""")
result = self.db.getLastTID()
self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x04')
def test_19_getUnfinishedTIDList(self):
self.db.query("""insert into ttrans (tid, oids, user,
description, ext) values (3, '', '', '', '')""")
self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (0, 4, 0, 0, '')""")
result = self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList()
expected = ['\x00' * 7 + '\x03', '\x00' * 7 + '\x04']
self.assertEquals(result, expected)
def test_20_objectPresent(self):
oid1, tid1 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
oid2, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x02', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
# object not present
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=False))
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=True))
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=False))
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=True))
# object present in temp table
self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')""" %
(u64(oid1), u64(tid1)))
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=False))
self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=True))
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=False))
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=True))
# object present in both table
self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values ("%s", "%s", 0, 0, '')""" %
(u64(oid2), u64(tid2)))
self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=False))
self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=True))
self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=False))
self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=True))
def test_21_getObject(self):
oid1, tid1 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
oid2, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x02', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
# tid specified and object not present
result = self.db.getObject(oid1, tid1)
self.assertEquals(result, None)
# tid specified and object present
self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')""" %
(u64(oid1), u64(tid1)))
result = self.db.getObject(oid1, tid1)
self.assertEquals(result, (tid1, None, 0, 0, ''))
# before_tid specified, object not present
result = self.db.getObject(oid2, before_tid=tid2)
self.assertEquals(result, None)
# before_tid specified, object present, no next serial
result = self.db.getObject(oid1, before_tid=tid2)
self.assertEquals(result, (tid1, None, 0, 0, ''))
# before_tid specified, object present, next serial exists
self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')""" %
(u64(oid1), u64(tid2)))
result = self.db.getObject(oid1, before_tid=tid2)
self.assertEquals(result, (tid1, tid2, 0, 0, ''))
# no tid specified, retreive last object transaction, object unknown
result = self.db.getObject(oid2)
self.assertEquals(result, None)
# same but object found
result = self.db.getObject(oid1)
self.assertEquals(result, (tid2, None, 0, 0, ''))
def test_23_changePartitionTable(self):
# two sn, two partitions
ptid = '1'
uuid1, uuid2 = '\x00' * 15 + '\x01', '\x00' * 15 + '\x02'
cells = (
(0, uuid1, DISCARDED_STATE),
(1, uuid2, UP_TO_DATE_STATE),
# empty table -> insert for second cell
self.db.changePartitionTable(ptid, cells)
result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, uuid2, 0))
self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
# delete previous entries for a DISCARDED_STATE node
self.db.query("delete from pt")
args = (0, uuid1, DISCARDED_STATE)
self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
self.db.changePartitionTable(ptid, cells)
result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, uuid2, 0))
self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
# raise exception (config not set), check rollback
self.db.query("drop table config") # will generate the exception
args = (0, uuid1, DISCARDED_STATE)
self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
self.db.changePartitionTable, ptid, cells)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from pt where rid=0')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
def test_22_setGetPartitionTable(self):
# two sn, two partitions
ptid = '1'
uuid1, uuid2 = '\x00' * 15 + '\x01', '\x00' * 15 + '\x02'
cells = (
(0, uuid1, DISCARDED_STATE),
(1, uuid2, UP_TO_DATE_STATE),
# not empty table, reset -> clean table first
args = (0, uuid2, UP_TO_DATE_STATE)
self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, cells)
result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, uuid2, 0))
self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
# delete previous entries for a DISCARDED_STATE node
args = (0, uuid1, DISCARDED_STATE)
self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, cells)
result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, uuid2, 0))
self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
# raise exception (config not set), check rollback
self.db.query("drop table config") # will generate the exception
args = (0, uuid1, DISCARDED_STATE)
self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
self.db.setPartitionTable, ptid, cells)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from pt where rid=0')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
def test_23_dropUnfinishedData(self):
# delete entries from tobj and ttrans
self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
checksum, value) values (0, 4, 0, 0, '')""")
self.db.query("""insert into ttrans (tid, oids, user,
description, ext) values (3, '', '', '', '')""")
result = self.db.query('select * from tobj')
self.assertEquals(result, ())
result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(result, ())
def test_24_storeTransaction1(self):
# data set
tid = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
object_list = ( (oid1, 0, 0, ''), (oid2, 0, 0, ''),)
transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'user', 'desc', 'ext')
# store objects in temporary table
self.db.storeTransaction(tid, object_list, transaction=None, temporary=True)
result = self.db.query('select oid, serial, compression, checksum, value from tobj')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from obj')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
# and in persistent table
self.db.storeTransaction(tid, object_list, transaction=None, temporary=False)
result = self.db.query('select oid, serial, compression, checksum, value from obj')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from tobj')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
# store transaction in temporary table
self.db.storeTransaction(tid, (), transaction=transaction, temporary=True)
result = self.db.query('select tid, oids, user, description, ext from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, oid1 + oid2, 'user', 'desc', 'ext',) )
result = self.db.query('select * from trans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
# and in trans table
self.db.storeTransaction(tid, (), transaction=transaction, temporary=False)
result = self.db.query('select tid, oids, user, description, ext from trans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, oid1 + oid2, 'user', 'desc', 'ext',))
result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
def test_25_finishTransaction(self):
# data set
tid1, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
object_list = ( (oid1, 0, 0, ''), (oid2, 0, 0, ''),)
transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'u', 'd', 'e')
# store two temporary transactions
self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from tobj')
self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 4)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 2)
# finish t1
# t1 should be finished
result = self.db.query('select * from obj order by oid asc')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 1L, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from trans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
# t2 should stay in temporary tables
result = self.db.query('select * from tobj order by oid asc')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
def test_26_deleteTransaction(self):
# data set
tid1, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
object_list = ( (oid1, 0, 0, ''), (oid2, 0, 0, ''),)
transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'u', 'd', 'e')
# store two transactions in both state
self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=False)
self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, object_list, transaction, temporary=False)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from tobj')
self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 4)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 2)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from obj')
self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 4)
result = self.db.query('select count(*) from trans')
self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 2)
# delete t1 (all)
self.db.deleteTransaction(tid1, all=True)
# t2 not altered
result = self.db.query('select * from tobj order by oid asc')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
result = self.db.query('select * from obj order by oid asc')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from trans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
# store t1 again
self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=False)
# and remove it but only from temporary tables
self.db.deleteTransaction(tid1, all=False)
# t2 not altered and t1 stay in obj/trans tables
result = self.db.query('select * from tobj order by oid asc')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
result = self.db.query('select * from obj order by oid, serial asc')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 4)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[2], (2L, 1L, 0, 0, ''))
self.assertEquals(result[3], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, ''))
result = self.db.query('select * from trans order by tid asc')
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
def test_27_getTransaction(self):
# data set
tid1, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
oids = [oid1, oid2]
transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'u', 'd', 'e')
# store t1 in temporary and t2 in persistent tables
self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, (), transaction, temporary=True)
self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, (), transaction, temporary=False)
# get t1 from all -> OK
t = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, all=True)
self.assertEquals(t, (oids, 'u', 'd', 'e'))
# get t1 from no tmp only -> fail
t = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, all=False)
self.assertEquals(t, None)
# get t2 from all or not -> always OK
t = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, all=True)
self.assertEquals(t, (oids, 'u', 'd', 'e'))
t = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, all=False)
self.assertEquals(t, (oids, 'u', 'd', 'e'))
# store wrong oids -> DatabaseFailure
self.db.query("""replace into trans (tid, oids, user, description, ext)
values ('%s', '%s', 'u', 'd', 'e')""" % (u64(tid1), 'OIDs_'))
self.assertRaises(DatabaseFailure, self.db.getTransaction, tid1)
def test_28_getOIDList(self):
# there are two partitions and two objects in each of them
# o1 & o3 in p1, o2 & o4 in p2
tid = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4 = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
for oid in (oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4):
self.db.query("replace into obj values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')" %
(u64(oid), u64(tid)))
# get all oids for all partitions
result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 4, 2, (0, 1))
self.assertEquals(result, [oid4, oid3, oid2, oid1])
# get all oids but from the second with a limit a two
result = self.db.getOIDList(1, 2, 2, (0, 1))
self.assertEquals(result, [oid3, oid2])
# get all oids for the first partition
result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 2, 2, (0, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [oid3, oid1])
# get all oids for the second partition with a limit of one
result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 1, 2, (1, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [oid4])
# get all oids for the second partition with an offset of 3 > nothing
result = self.db.getOIDList(3, 2, 2, (1, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [])
# get oids for an inexsitant partition -> nothing
result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 2, 2, (3, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [])
def test_29_getObjectHistory(self):
# there is one object with 4 revisions
tids = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
oid = '\x00' * 8
for tid in tids:
self.db.query("replace into obj values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')" %
(u64(oid), u64(tid)))
# unkwown object
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid='\x01' * 8)
self.assertEquals(result, None)
# retreive all revisions
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid=oid, offset=0, length=4)
expected = [(tid, 0) for tid in reversed(tids)]
self.assertEquals(result, expected)
# get from the second, limit to 2 revisions
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid=oid, offset=1, length=2)
expected = [(tids[2], 0), (tids[1], 0)]
self.assertEquals(result, expected)
# get from the fifth -> nothing
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid=oid, offset=4, length=2)
self.assertEquals(result, None)
def test_28_getTIDList(self):
# same as for getOIDList, 2 partitions and 4 transactions
tids = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = tids
for tid in tids:
self.db.query("replace into trans values (%d, '', 'u', 'd', 'e')" %
# get all tids for all partitions
result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 4, 2, (0, 1))
self.assertEquals(result, [tid4, tid3, tid2, tid1])
# get all tids but from the second with a limit a two
result = self.db.getTIDList(1, 2, 2, (0, 1))
self.assertEquals(result, [tid3, tid2])
# get all tids for the first partition
result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 2, 2, (0, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [tid3, tid1])
# get all tids for the second partition with a limit of one
result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 1, 2, (1, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [tid4])
# get all tids for the second partition with an offset of 3 > nothing
result = self.db.getTIDList(3, 2, 2, (1, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [])
# get tids for an inexsitant partition -> nothing
result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 2, 2, (3, ))
self.assertEquals(result, [])
def test_29_getTIDListPresent(self):
# 4 sample transactions
tid = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
for tid in (tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4):
self.db.query("replace into trans values (%d, '', 'u', 'd', 'e')" %
# all match
result = self.db.getTIDListPresent((tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4))
expected = [tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4]
self.assertEquals(sorted(result), expected)
# none match
result = self.db.getTIDListPresent(('\x01' * 8, '\x02' * 8))
self.assertEquals(result, [])
# some match
result = self.db.getTIDListPresent((tid1, tid3))
self.assertEquals(sorted(result), [tid1, tid3])
def test_30_getSerialListPresent(self):
# 4 sample objects
tids = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = tids
oid = '\x00' * 8
for tid in tids:
self.db.query("replace into obj values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')" %
(u64(oid), u64(tid)))
# all match
result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid, tids)
expected = list(tids)
self.assertEquals(sorted(result), expected)
# none match
result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid, ('\x01' * 8, '\x02' * 8))
self.assertEquals(result, [])
# some match
result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid, (tid1, tid3))
self.assertEquals(sorted(result), [tid1, tid3])
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