Commit f4653eea authored by Maciej Małecki's avatar Maciej Małecki Committed by Cédric de Saint Martin

[test dist] Run core tests on `npm test`

parent 988e15b4
......@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
"main": "./lib/node-http-proxy",
"bin": { "node-http-proxy": "./bin/node-http-proxy" },
"scripts": {
"test": "npm run-script test-http && npm run-script test-https",
"test": "npm run-script test-http && npm run-script test-https && npm run-script test-core",
"test-http": "vows --spec && vows --spec --target=secure",
"test-https": "vows --spec --source=secure && vows --spec --source=secure --target=secure"
"test-https": "vows --spec --source=secure && vows --spec --source=secure --target=secure",
"test-core": "test/core/run"
"engines": { "node": "0.4.x || 0.5.x" }
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