cssclass:'te',// (optional) CSS class of the editor
controlclass:'tecontrol',// (optional) CSS class of the buttons
rowclass:'teheader',// (optional) CSS class of the button rows
dividerclass:'tedivider',// (optional) CSS class of the button diviers
controls:['bold','italic','underline','strikethrough','|','subscript','superscript','|','orderedlist','unorderedlist','|','outdent','indent','|','leftalign','centeralign','rightalign','blockjustify','|','unformat','|','undo','redo','n','font','size','style','|','image','hr','link','unlink','|','cut','copy','paste','print'],// (required) options you want available, a '|' represents a divider and an 'n' represents a new row
footer:true,// (optional) show the footer
fonts:['Verdana','Arial','Georgia','Trebuchet MS'],// (optional) array of fonts to display
xhtml:true,// (optional) generate XHTML vs HTML
//cssfile:'style.css', // (optional) attach an external CSS file to the editor
content:'starting content',// (optional) set the starting content else it will default to the textarea content
css:'body{background-color:#ccc}',// (optional) attach CSS to the editor
bodyid:'editor',// (optional) attach an ID to the editor body
footerclass:'tefooter',// (optional) CSS class of the footer
toggle:{text:'source',activetext:'wysiwyg',cssclass:'toggle'},// (optional) toggle to markup view options
resize:{cssclass:'resize'}// (optional) display options for the editor resize