Commit 060e3281 authored by mouadh's avatar mouadh

fix config path (with olapy-web flask instance_path)

parent 93df06cd
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ class MdxEngine:
:param sep: separator in the csv files
# DATA_FOLDER useful for olapy web (falsk instance_path)
# get olapy-data path with instance_path instead of 'expanduser'
CUBE_FOLDER = "cubes"
# (before instantiate MdxEngine I need to access cubes information)
csv_files_cubes = []
......@@ -75,7 +78,12 @@ class MdxEngine:
""":return: list cubes name that exists in cubes folder (under ~/olapy-data/cubes) and postgres database (if connected)."""
# get csv files folders (cubes)
# toxworkdir does not expanduser properly under tox
# surrended with try, except and PASS so we continue getting cubes from different
# sources (db, csv...) without interruption
if cls.DATA_FOLDER is not None:
home_directory = cls.DATA_FOLDER
home_directory = os.environ.get('HOME_DIR')
home_directory = expanduser("~")
......@@ -94,7 +102,7 @@ class MdxEngine:
# get postgres databases
db = MyDB()
db = MyDB(db_config_file_path=cls.DATA_FOLDER)
connection = db.engine
# TODO this work only with postgres
result = connection.execute('SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false;')
......@@ -174,7 +182,6 @@ class MdxEngine:
:return: star schema DataFrame
fusion = None
config_file_parser = ConfigParser(self.cube_path)
if config_file_parser.config_file_exist(
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from import MyDB
import as psql
import os
def _load_table_config_file(executer_instance, cube_obj):
......@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ def _construct_web_star_schema_config_file(executer_instance, cubes_obj):
all_columns = []
executer_instance.facts = cubes_obj.facts[0].table_name
db = MyDB(db=executer_instance.cube)
db = MyDB(db=executer_instance.cube,db_config_file_path=os.path.join(executer_instance.cube_path,".."))
# load facts table
if cubes_obj.facts[0].columns:
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def _load_tables_db(executer_instance):
:return: tables dict with table name as key and dataframe as value
tables = {}
db = MyDB(db=executer_instance.cube)
db = MyDB(db_config_file_path=executer_instance.DATA_FOLDER,db=executer_instance.cube)
inspector = inspect(db.engine)
for table_name in inspector.get_table_names():
......@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ class MyDB(object):
# raise Exception('Missing database config file')
def __init__(self,db=None):
def __init__(self,db_config_file_path=None,db=None):
# TODO temporary
db_config = DbConfigParser()
db_config = DbConfigParser(config_path=db_config_file_path)
db_credentials = db_config.get_db_credentials()[0]
username = db_credentials['user_name']
password = db_credentials['password']
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