Commit 40f1ab97 authored by mouadh's avatar mouadh

improve code

parent 19490d30
......@@ -44,11 +44,8 @@ class StringFolder(object):
# Look up the unicode value in the map and return
# the object from the map. If there is no matching entry,
# store this unicode object in the map and return it.
t = self.unicode_map.get(s, None)
if t is None:
# Put s in the map
t = self.unicode_map[s] = s
return t
return self.unicode_map.setdefault(s, s)
def string_folding_wrapper(results):
......@@ -82,9 +79,7 @@ def _load_tables_db(executer_instance):
# 'SELECT * FROM "{0}"'.format(table_name), db.engine)
# results = db.engine.execute('SELECT * FROM "{0}"'.format(table_name))
results = (db.engine
.execute('SELECT * FROM "{0}"'.format(table_name)))
results = db.engine.execution_options(stream_results=True).execute('SELECT * FROM "{0}"'.format(table_name))
# Fetch all the results of the query
# value = pd.DataFrame(iter(results),columns=results.keys()) # Pass results as an iterator
value = pd.DataFrame(string_folding_wrapper(results),columns=results.keys())
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