Commit 6103b95e authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Separate analyze Python application and test latency in a new folder.

parent d594d094
f = open("digital.csv", "r")
# assume it's 0 by default even if in measurement file it can start with 1
# then we simple loose few records but that's acceptable.
last_channel0_value = 0
last_channel1_value = 0
last_channel0_timestamp = 0.0
last_channel1_timestamp = 0.0
# keep list of deltas between state change ( 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0)
timestamp_channel0_delta_list = []
timestamp_channel1_delta_list = []
for line in f.readlines()[1:4000]:
timestamp, channel0, channel1 = line.split(",")
timestamp = float(timestamp)
channel0 = int(channel0)
channel1 = int(channel1)
#print timestamp, channel0, channel1
# first time init (for very first record line)
if timestamp == 0.0:
last_channel0_value = channel0
last_channel1_value = channel1
# a new measurement if when channel{0, 1} value changes from last know one
if channel0 != last_channel0_value:
# calculate delta
if last_channel0_timestamp == 0.0:
# first time init
delta = 0
delta = timestamp - last_channel0_timestamp
last_channel0_timestamp = timestamp
# but always add delta
if channel1 != last_channel1_value:
# calculate delta
if last_channel1_timestamp == 0.0:
# first time init
delta = 0
delta = timestamp - last_channel1_timestamp
last_channel1_timestamp = timestamp
# but always add delta
# update for next cycle
last_channel0_value = channel0
last_channel1_value = channel1
# XXX: find average, mean, standard deviation, etc on these lists of deltas
# convert to nanoseconds
print "Channel0 deltas (in nanoseconds)", [round(x*1000000, 2) for x in timestamp_channel0_delta_list]
print "\nChannel1 deltas (in nanoseconds)", [round(x*1000000, 2) for x in timestamp_channel1_delta_list]
\ No newline at end of file
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