Commit aee64ab6 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov


parent 4a81d037
# Usage of OPC UA server with Beremiz
# rPLC coupler server which controls MOD-IO's relays' state over OPC-UA protocol.
## Prerequisites
[Link](rPLC coupler server which controls MOD-IO's relays' state over OPC-UA protocol.)
### Installing Beremiz
## Build and run
Request a Beremiz IDE instance via SlapOS
### Compile and install open62541 library (required)
supply(release, "COMP-XXXX")
partition_parameter_kw = {}
filter_kw = {"computer_guid": "COMP-XXXX"}
software_release = release,
partition_reference = 'OSIE.k2-osie.Beremiz.IDE-1',
partition_parameter_kw = partition_parameter_kw,
filter_kw = filter_kw)
### Compile and install open62541
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ make
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ make
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ sudo make install
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ sudo ldconfig
# install system wide in /usr/local/lib
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ sudo make install
# update system wide libraries
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ sudo ldconfig
### Build
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ gcc -I /usr/local/include/ -std=c99 ~/osie/coupler/server.c -o server -L/usr/local/lib -lmbedcrypto -lmbedx509
### Building your OPC UA server (Cross compilation to ARM architecture from Ubuntu)
### Run
# compile coupler application with a shared library and UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION=OFF
ivan@k2-osie:~/open62541/build$ gcc -I /usr/local/include/ -std=c99 ~/osie/coupler/server.c -o server -L/usr/local/lib -lmbedcrypto -lmbedx509
$ ./server
### If one wants to run coupler on a x86 platform then one needs to run server in virtual environment
### Run in virtual environment (on any x86_64 platform for testing purposes)
$ ./server -m 1
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