Commit 53accf1b authored by owsla's avatar owsla

Workaround for tempfile.TemporaryFile() having different behavior

on Windows/Cygwin.

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent e3b48115
New in v1.1.12 (????/??/??)
Workaround for tempfile.TemporaryFile() having different behavior
on Windows/Cygwin. (Andrew Ferguson)
Make --check-destination-dir handle quoted situations. (Andrew Ferguson)
Handle quoted current_mirror markers and clean-up the listing of
......@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ class PatchedFile(LikeFile):
LikeFile.__init__(self, delta_file)
if hasattr(basis_file, 'file'):
basis_file = basis_file.file
if type(basis_file) is not types.FileType:
raise TypeError("basis_file must be a (true) file")
try: self.maker = _librsync.new_patchmaker(basis_file)
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