Commit b55ac1dd authored by owsla's avatar owsla

Disable hardlinks by default on Windows when using --compare, etc.

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 005251cb
New in v1.3.2 (????/??/??)
Disable hardlinks by default on Windows when performing operations such as
--compare, etc. Thanks to Ryan for the bug report. (Andrew Ferguson)
Change --min-file-size and --max-file-size to agree with man page. These
options no longer include files, and will only apply to regular files. Thanks
to Johannes Jensen for the suggestion. (Andrew Ferguson)
......@@ -646,8 +646,7 @@ def get_readonly_fsa(desc_string, rp):
the security module.
if == 'nt' and (desc_string == 'source' or
desc_string == 'rdiff-backup repository'):
if == 'nt':
log.Log("Hardlinks disabled by default on Windows", 4)
Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
return FSAbilities(desc_string).init_readonly(rp)
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