Commit c6fa08db authored by Guillaume Bury's avatar Guillaume Bury

Cleaned ( a bit ) vifibnet options

parent 6a4315f8
To be done :
Catch a more precise exception thant Exception at line 108 in
( UPnP forwarding )
Upgrade the logging function in order to be able to log message like
"Refreshing peers DB ... done", or add log messages to specify that an
action advertised by a previous log message has been completed
Add options to start udp server, tcp server or both
use the server as a bootstrap node
......@@ -16,9 +23,10 @@ To be done :
Use the server events ( client connection/deconnection ) to do something
In peers DB, flag the dead peers so we only choose them if necessary and we can remove them if we have enought peers
In peers DB, flag the dead peers so we only choose them if necessary and we
can remove them if we have enought peers
Use a timeout for the server peersDB so we can rflag unreachable peers and
Use a timeout for the server peersDB so we can flag unreachable peers and
remove the peers whose certificate is no longer valid
Specify a lease duration in ForwardViaUPnP
......@@ -26,12 +34,6 @@ To be done :
Handle LAN internally in order not to have catastrophic results ....
To be discussed:
G : Database structure for bith vifibnet and registry have been changed.
Index is now always on the prefix ( there is no id anymore ). And
the (ip, port, proto) tuples have been replaced with addresses :
it is a list of ip, port, proto, that way a peer can announce
different (port, proto) combination.
G, J : To get traffic stats ( bytes in/out ), you can use
/sys/class/net/interface/statistics/rx_bytes, etc...
or /proc/net/dev/snmp6/interface ( all in one file ). This can be enough
......@@ -61,6 +63,12 @@ To be discussed:
45% of the problems dont last more than 2 minutes, 55% no more than
3 minutes If it takes 2 min to detect a dead connection, then we wont be
solving many problems with our overlay network
G : ok, so babel hello-interval should be set to a lower value,
we should do some tests to pinpoint the best compromise between
speed and bandwith usage.
Btw, is there a doc ( pdf, image, file ) resuming Raphael's stats
on nexedi's server downtime ? it could be useful for the internship
U : The peer DB size should depend on the number of connection and the
refresh time
......@@ -71,6 +79,7 @@ To be discussed:
enought DB to ensure we can still choose a peer as if it was choosen
directly from the server. The requiered db size can be calculated from
the number of connections and the refresh time.
G : ok, you can erase this talk
U : Why are --ip and internal-port mutually exclusive ?
Currently upnp only forward via UDP. Should he also forward via TCP ?
......@@ -78,3 +87,11 @@ To be discussed:
No error should be raised when no upnp is detected : we should allow
machines having public IP to do an automatic configuration using the
discovery by an other peer
G : Actually, i was wrong, --ip and internal-port are no longer exclusive
Julien said udp might not be used by some people because of
restrictions imposed by the ISP ( FAI in french ), so we should
allow both, and act according to the options specifying which servers
to start (upd, tcp-server)
G : I think the number of route going through an interface should be a
Connection attribute, not a dict in tunnelManager
import sqlite3, socket, xmlrpclib, time
import sqlite3, socket, xmlrpclib, time, os
import utils
class PeerManager:
# internal ip = temp arg/attribute
def __init__(self, db_path, server, server_port, refresh_time, address, internal_ip, prefix, manual, db_size):
def __init__(self, db_dir_path, server, server_port, refresh_time, address,
internal_ip, prefix, manual, proto, db_size):
self._refresh_time = refresh_time
self._address = address
self._internal_ip = internal_ip
......@@ -12,12 +13,14 @@ class PeerManager:
self._server = server
self._server_port = server_port
self._db_size = db_size
self._proto = proto
self._manual = manual
self._proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%u' % (server, server_port))
utils.log('Connectiong to peers database', 4)
self._db = sqlite3.connect(db_path, isolation_level=None)
self._db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(db_dir_path, 'peers.db'),
utils.log('Preparing peers database', 4)
self._db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 0")
......@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ class PeerManager:
self.next_refresh = time.time() + self._refresh_time
except socket.error, e:
utils.log(str(e), 3)
utils.log(str(e), 4)
utils.log('Connection to server failed, retrying in 30s', 2)
self.next_refresh = time.time() + 30
......@@ -73,8 +76,8 @@ class PeerManager:
elif script_type == 'route-up':
if not self._manual:
external_ip, external_port = arg.split(',')
new_address = [[external_ip, external_port, 'udp'],
[external_ip, external_port, 'tcp-client']]
new_address = list([external_ip, external_port, proto]
for proto in self._proto)
if self._address != new_address:
self._address = new_address
utils.log('Received new external configuration : %s:%s' % (external_ip, external_port), 3)
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def client(server_address, pipe_fd, hello_interval, *args, **kw):
return openvpn(hello_interval, *remote, **kw)
def router(network, internal_ip, interface_list,
wireless, hello_interval, **kw):
wireless, hello_interval, state_path, **kw):
utils.log('Starting babel', 3)
args = ['babeld',
'-C', 'redistribute local ip %s' % (internal_ip),
......@@ -59,10 +59,9 @@ def router(network, internal_ip, interface_list,
'-d', str(verbose),
'-h', str(hello_interval),
'-H', str(hello_interval),
'-S', state_path,
#if utils.config.babel_state:
# args += '-S', utils.config.babel_state
if wireless:
args = args + interface_list
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse, errno, math, os, select, subprocess, sys, time, traceback
import argparse, errno, os, select, subprocess, time
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from OpenSSL import crypto
import db, plib, upnpigd, utils, tunnel
class ArgParser(ArgumentParser):
......@@ -27,46 +26,54 @@ def getConfig():
parser = ArgParser(fromfile_prefix_chars='@',
description='Resilient virtual private network application')
_ = parser.add_argument
# General Configuration options
_('--ip', default=None, dest='address', action='append', nargs=3,
help='Ip address, port and protocol advertised to other vpn nodes')
_('--internal-port', default=1194,
help='Port on the machine to listen on for incomming connections')
_('--peers-db-refresh', default=3600, type=int,
help='the time (seconds) to wait before refreshing the peers db')
_('-log', '-l', default='/var/log',
help='Path to vifibnet logs directory')
_('-s', '--state', default='/var/lib/vifibnet',
help='Path to VPN state directory')
_('--verbose', '-v', default=0, type=int,
help='Defines the verbose level')
#_('--babel-state', default='/var/lib/vifibnet/babel_state',
# help='Path to babeld state-file')
#_('--db', default='/var/lib/vifibnet/peers.db',
# help='Path to peers database')
# Server address SHOULD be a vifib address ( else requests will be denied )
_('--server', required=True,
help="VPN address of the discovery peer server")
_('--server-port', required=True, type=int,
help="VPN port of the discovery peer server")
_('-log', '-l', default='/var/log',
help='Path to vifibnet logs directory')
# Routing algorithm options
_('--hello', type=int, default=30,
help='Hello interval for babel, in seconds')
_('-w', '--wireless', action='store_true',
help='''Set all interfaces to be treated as wireless interfaces
for the routing protocol''')
# Tunnel options
_('--proto', choices=['udp', 'tcp-server'], nargs='+', default=['udp'],
help='Protocol(s) to be used by other peers to connect')
_('--tunnel-refresh', default=300, type=int,
help='the time (seconds) to wait before changing the connections')
_('--peers-db-refresh', default=3600, type=int,
help='the time (seconds) to wait before refreshing the peers db')
_('--db', default='/var/lib/vifibnet/peers.db',
help='Path to peers database')
_('--dh', required=True,
help='Path to dh file')
_('--babel-state', default='/var/lib/vifibnet/babel_state',
help='Path to babeld state-file')
_('--hello', type=int, default=30,
help='Hello interval for babel, in seconds')
_('-w', '--wireless', action='store_true',
help='Set all interfaces to be treated as wireless interfaces ( in babel )')
_('--verbose', '-v', default=0, type=int,
help='Defines the verbose level')
_('--ca', required=True,
help='Path to the certificate authority file')
_('--cert', required=True,
help='Path to the certificate file')
ipconfig = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
__ = ipconfig.add_argument
__('--ip', default=None, dest='address', action='append', nargs=3,
help='Ip address, port and protocol advertised to other vpn nodes')
__('--internal-port', default=1194,
help='Internal port to listen on for incomming connections')
# args to be removed ?
_('--proto', default='udp',
help='The protocol used by other peers to connect')
_('--connection-count', default=20, type=int,
help='Number of tunnels')
_('--refresh-rate', default=0.05, type=float,
help='The ratio of connections to drop when refreshing the connections')
help='''The ratio of connections to drop when refreshing the
# Openvpn options
_('openvpn_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help="Common OpenVPN options (e.g. certificates)")
......@@ -95,34 +102,40 @@ def main():
utils.log('Attempting automatic configuration via UPnP', 4)
external_ip, external_port = upnpigd.ForwardViaUPnP(config.internal_port)
config.address = [[external_ip, external_port, 'udp'],
[external_ip, external_port, 'tcp-client']]
ext_ip, ext_port = upnpigd.ForwardViaUPnP(config.internal_port)
config.address = list([ext_ip, ext_port, proto]
for proto in config.proto)
except Exception:
utils.log('An atempt to forward a port via UPnP failed', 4)
peer_db = db.PeerManager(config.db, config.server, config.server_port,
config.peers_db_refresh, config.address, internal_ip, prefix, manual, 200)
tunnel_manager = tunnel.TunnelManager(write_pipe, peer_db, openvpn_args, config.hello,
config.tunnel_refresh, config.connection_count, config.refresh_rate)
peer_db = db.PeerManager(config.state, config.server, config.server_port,
config.peers_db_refresh, config.address, internal_ip, prefix,
manual, config.proto, 200)
tunnel_manager = tunnel.TunnelManager(write_pipe, peer_db, openvpn_args,
config.hello, config.tunnel_refresh, config.connection_count,
# Launch babel on all interfaces. WARNING : you have to be root to start babeld
# Launch routing protocol. WARNING : you have to be root to start babeld
interface_list = ['vifibnet'] + list(tunnel_manager.free_interface_set)
router = plib.router(network, internal_ip, interface_list, config.wireless, config.hello,
router = plib.router(network, internal_ip, interface_list, config.wireless,
config.hello, os.path.join(config.state, 'vifibnet.babeld.state'),, 'vifibnet.babeld.log'),
os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_TRUNC), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# Establish connections
server_process = plib.server(internal_ip, network, config.connection_count, config.dh, write_pipe,
config.internal_port, config.proto, config.hello, '--dev', 'vifibnet', *openvpn_args,, 'vifibnet.server.log'), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC))
server_process = list(plib.server(internal_ip, network,
config.connection_count, config.dh, write_pipe, config.internal_port,
proto, config.hello, '--dev', 'vifibnet', *openvpn_args,, 'vifibnet.server.log'),
os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC)) for proto in config.proto)
# main loop
while True:
ready, tmp1, tmp2 =[read_pipe], [], [],
max(0, min(tunnel_manager.next_refresh, peer_db.next_refresh) - time.time()))
max(0, min(tunnel_manager.next_refresh,
peer_db.next_refresh) - time.time()))
if ready:
if time.time() >= peer_db.next_refresh:
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