Commit c84b2cec authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

security: drop UDP packets that are empty or from outside same re6st network

Also accepts packets from loopback.
parent 543e4faa
......@@ -412,7 +412,13 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
def handlePeerEvent(self):
msg, address = self.sock.recvfrom(1<<16)
if not (msg or utils.binFromIp(address[0]).startswith(self._network)):
if address[0] == '::1':
sender = None
sender = utils.binFromIp(address[0])
if not sender.startswith(self._network):
if not msg:
code = ord(msg[0])
if code == 1: # answer
......@@ -442,7 +448,7 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
#else: # I don't know my IP yet!
elif code == 255:
# the registry wants to know the topology for debugging purpose
if utils.binFromIp(address[0])[len(self._network):].startswith(
if not sender or sender[len(self._network):].startswith(
msg = ['\xfe%s%u/%u\n%u\n' % (msg[1:],
int(self._prefix, 2), len(self._prefix),
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