Commit d32669a0 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Formatting and minor refactoring of defau;t globals arg.

parent c39cdf2a
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ option_start = re.compile(
leading_blank_lines = re.compile(r"^(\s*\n)+")
def parse(fp, fpname, exp_globals=None):
def parse(fp, fpname, exp_globals=dict):
"""Parse a sectioned setup file.
The sections in setup files contain a title line at the top,
......@@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ def parse(fp, fpname, exp_globals=None):
leading whitespace. Blank lines, lines beginning with a '#',
and just about everything else are ignored.
The title line is in the form [name] followed by an optional trailing
comment separated by a semicolon `;' or a hash `#' character.
Optionally the title line can have the form `[name:expression]' where
expression is an arbitrary Python expression. Sections with an expression
The title line is in the form [name] followed by an optional trailing
comment separated by a semicolon `;' or a hash `#' character.
Optionally the title line can have the form `[name:expression]' where
expression is an arbitrary Python expression. Sections with an expression
that evaluates to False are ignored. Semicolon `;' an hash `#' characters
mustr be string-escaped in expression literals.
exp_globals is a callable returning a mapping of defaults used as globals
exp_globals is a callable returning a mapping of defaults used as globals
during the evaluation of a section conditional expression.
sections = {}
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def parse(fp, fpname, exp_globals=None):
header = section_header(line)
if header:
# reset to True when starting a new section
section_condition = True
section_condition = True
sectname ='name')
head ='head') # the starting [
......@@ -176,18 +176,22 @@ def parse(fp, fpname, exp_globals=None):
if expression:
# normalize tail comments to Python style
tail = tail.replace(';', '#') if tail else ''
# un-escape literal # and ; . Do not use a string-escape decode
expr = expression.replace(r'\x23','#').replace(r'x3b', ';')
# un-escape literal # and ; . Do not use a
# string-escape decode
expr = expression.replace(r'\x23','#').replace(r'x3b', ';')
# rebuild a valid Python expression wrapped in a list
expr = head + expr + tail
# lazily populate context only expression
if not context:
context = exp_globals() if exp_globals else {}
context = exp_globals()
# evaluated expression is in list: get first element
section_condition = eval(expr, context)[0]
# finally, ignore section when an expression evaluates to false
# finally, ignore section when an expression
# evaluates to false
if not section_condition:
logger.debug('Ignoring section %(sectname)r with [expression]: %(expression)r' % locals())
'Ignoring section %(sectname)r with [expression]:'
' %(expression)r' % locals())
if sectname in sections:
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