Commit 4b87a7ab authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

obs/slapos: remove git files before pushing to OBS

parent fac70c41
Pipeline #35952 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -74,8 +74,9 @@ find . -type d -empty -prune -exec rmdir '{}' ';'
find . -regextype posix-extended -type f \
-iregex '.*/*\.(py[co]|[l]?a|exe|bat)$$' -exec rm -fv '{}' ';'
#TODO remove git files
# remove git files only for now
# in the future, we could remove all slapos_repository dir if we use correctly extends_cache
rm -rf $BUILD_ROOT_DIRECTORY/../slapos_repository/.git
# prepare compilation inside OBS #
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