Commit 591db17b authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

ors-upgrade: replace ors-upgrade with ors

parent 125d10ff
Pipeline #23670 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
...@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@ ...@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@
hosts: hosts:
connection: local connection: local
- settings/ors-upgrade.yml
roles: roles:
- ors-upgrade - ors-upgrade
...@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
connection: local connection: local
vars_files: vars_files:
- settings/ors-upgrade.yml - settings/ors.yml
roles: roles:
- ors-upgrade
- ors - ors
--- ---
- name: Get hostname
shell: hostname
register: hostname
- name: Check hostname # ORS playbook is installed before deleting ors-upgrade cron to make sure either ors or ors-upgrade is in the cron
debug: var=hostname
- name: Install rm-tmp-lte script - name: Install ors playbook
copy: src=rm-tmp-lte dest={{ install_folder }} owner=root mode=770 shell: ansible-playbook ors.yml
- name: Give permission to slapuser to remove tmp files owned by other slapuser # Delete ors-upgrade.yml cron which is replaced by ors.yml
copy: src=slapuser-rm-tmp dest=/etc/sudoers.d owner=root mode=440
- name: Init SDR - name: Delete ors-upgrade cron
script: cron: name="Launch Upgrader with ansible" state=absent
- name: Check if Service Exists # Reinstall ORS playbook again since previous task deletes the vifib cron from the same name
stat: path=/etc/init.d/init-sdr
register: init_sdr_service
- name: Reload daemon - name: Install ors playbook again
systemd: daemon_reload=yes shell: ansible-playbook ors.yml
when: init_sdr_service.stat.exists
- name: Disable old init-sdr service
systemd: name=init-sdr enabled=no
when: init_sdr_service.stat.exists
- name: Configure re6st
- name: Configure /etc/network/interfaces
copy: src=interfaces dest=/etc/network/interfaces owner=root mode=644
- name: Configure dhcp timeout
lineinfile: dest=/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf regexp="^timeout (.*)" line="timeout 15" state=present
- name: Configure ssh
lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^PermitRootLogin (.*)" line="PermitRootLogin yes" state=present
- name: Configure ssh
lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^PasswordAuthentication (.*)" line="PasswordAuthentication yes" state=present
- name: Configure slapos
- name: Create .amarisoft directory for SR
file: path=/opt/amarisoft/.amarisoft state=directory
- name: Copy keys for SR
copy: src=/root/.amarisoft dest=/opt/amarisoft owner=root mode=644
- name: Add kernel parameter
--- ---
- name: Install upgrader - name: Install periodic cron
shell: ansible-playbook upgrader-run.yml --extra-vars "upgrader_playbook=ors-upgrade.yml upgrade_kernel=False" cron: name="Launch ors playbook every 3 hours" minute="15" hour="*/3" job='cd /opt/upgrader/playbook && ansible-playbook ors.yml 2>> /opt/upgrader/latest_ors.log >> /opt/upgrader/latest_ors.log'
- name: Set Cron - name: Install reboot cron
cron: name="Launch Startup with ansible" special_time=reboot job='sleep 20 && cd /opt/upgrader/playbook && ansible-playbook ors-upgrade.yml -i hosts 2>>/opt/upgrader/startup.log >> /opt/upgrader/startup.log' cron: name="Launch ors playbook at reboot" special_time=reboot job='sleep 20 && cd /opt/upgrader/playbook && ansible-playbook ors.yml 2>> /opt/upgrader/startup_ors.log >> /opt/upgrader/startup_ors.log'
- name: Check if vifib playbook is installed
shell: 'crontab -l | grep -A1 "#Ansible: Launch Upgrader with ansible" | tail -n1 | grep -v ors-upgrade | grep -q upgrader'
ignore_errors: yes
register: vifib_cron
- name: Install vifib-base playbook
shell: ansible-playbook vifib-base.yml
when: vifib_cron.rc != 0
- name: Get hostname
shell: hostname
register: hostname
- name: Check hostname
debug: var=hostname
- name: Install rm-tmp-lte script
copy: src=rm-tmp-lte dest={{ install_folder }} owner=root mode=770
- name: Give permission to slapuser to remove tmp files owned by other slapuser
copy: src=slapuser-rm-tmp dest=/etc/sudoers.d owner=root mode=440
- name: Init SDR
- name: Check if Service Exists
stat: path=/etc/init.d/init-sdr
register: init_sdr_service
- name: Reload daemon
systemd: daemon_reload=yes
when: init_sdr_service.stat.exists
- name: Disable old init-sdr service
systemd: name=init-sdr enabled=no
when: init_sdr_service.stat.exists
- name: Configure re6st
- name: Configure /etc/network/interfaces
copy: src=interfaces dest=/etc/network/interfaces owner=root mode=644
- name: Configure dhcp timeout
lineinfile: dest=/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf regexp="^timeout (.*)" line="timeout 15" state=present
- name: Configure ssh
lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^PermitRootLogin (.*)" line="PermitRootLogin yes" state=present
- name: Configure ssh
lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^PasswordAuthentication (.*)" line="PasswordAuthentication yes" state=present
- name: Configure slapos
- name: Create .amarisoft directory for SR
file: path=/opt/amarisoft/.amarisoft state=directory
- name: Copy keys for SR
copy: src=/root/.amarisoft dest=/opt/amarisoft owner=root mode=644
- name: Add kernel parameter
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