Commit decbd4b3 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

Adding comments

parent 5d472df2
......@@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ class Popen(subprocess.Popen):
self.stdin = None
def cloneRepo(data):
"""Clonne a repository
data: a dictionnary of parameters to use:
data['path'] is the path of the new project
data['repo'] is the url of the repository to be cloned
data['email'] is the user email
data['user'] is the name of the user
a jsonify data"""
workDir = data['path']
if not workDir:
return jsonify(code=0,
......@@ -47,6 +56,11 @@ def cloneRepo(data):
return jsonify(code=code, result=json)
def gitStatus(project):
"""Run git status and return status of specified project folder
project: path of the projet ti get status
a parsed string that contains the result of git status"""
code = 0
json = ""
......@@ -61,6 +75,12 @@ def gitStatus(project):
return jsonify(code=code, result=json, branch=branch, dirty=isdirty)
def switchBranch(project, name):
"""Switch a git branch
project: directory of the local git repository
name: switch from current branch to `name` branch
a jsonify data"""
code = 0
json = ""
......@@ -78,6 +98,13 @@ def switchBranch(project, name):
return jsonify(code=code, result=json)
def addBranch(project, name, onlyCheckout=False):
"""Add new git branch to the repository
project: directory of the local git repository
name: name of the new branch
onlyCheckout: if True then the branch `name` is created before checkout
a jsonify data"""
code = 0
json = ""
......@@ -93,6 +120,7 @@ def addBranch(project, name, onlyCheckout=False):
return jsonify(code=code, result=json)
def getDiff(project):
"""Get git diff for the specified project directory"""
result = ""
repo = Repo(project)
......@@ -104,6 +132,10 @@ def getDiff(project):
return result
def gitPush(project, msg):
"""Commit and Push changes for the specified repository
project: directory of the local repository
msg: commit message"""
code = 0
json = ""
undo_commit = False
......@@ -145,5 +177,6 @@ def gitPull(project):
return jsonify(code=code, result=result)
def safeResult(result):
"""Parse string and remove credential of the user"""
regex=re.compile("(https:\/\/)([\w\d\._-]+:[\w\d\._-]+)\@([\S]+\s)", re.VERBOSE)
return regex.sub(r'\1\3', result)
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ def inspectSoftware():
return render_template('runResult.html', softwareRoot='software_root',
#remove content of compiled software release
def removeSoftware():
file_config = os.path.join(app.config['runner_workdir'], ".softdata")
......@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ def editInstanceProfile():
return render_template('updateInstanceProfile.html', workDir='workspace',
profile=profile, projectList=getProjectList(app.config['workspace']))
# get status of all computer partitions and process state
@app.route('/inspectInstance', methods=['GET'])
def inspectInstance():
file_content = ''
......@@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ def inspectInstance():
file_path=file_content, supervisor=result, slap_status=getSlapStatus(app.config),
supervisore=result, partition_amount=app.config['partition_amount'])
#Reload instance process ans returns new value to ajax
@app.route('/supervisordStatus', methods=['GET'])
def supervisordStatus():
result = getSvcStatus(app.config)
......@@ -253,6 +256,7 @@ def getProjectStatus():
return jsonify(code=0, result="Can not read folder: Permission Denied")
#view for current software release files
def editCurrentProject():
project = os.path.join(app.config['runner_workdir'], ".project")
......@@ -262,6 +266,7 @@ def editCurrentProject():
return redirect(url_for('configRepo'))
#create file or directory
@app.route("/createFile", methods=['POST'])
def createFile():
path = realpath(app.config, request.form['file'], False)
......@@ -277,6 +282,7 @@ def createFile():
except Exception, e:
return jsonify(code=0, result=str(e))
#remove file or directory
@app.route("/removeFile", methods=['POST'])
def removeFile():
......@@ -296,6 +302,7 @@ def removeSoftwareDir():
except Exception, e:
return jsonify(code=0, result=str(e))
#read file and return content to ajax
@app.route("/getFileContent", methods=['POST'])
def getFileContent():
file_path = realpath(app.config, request.form['file'])
......@@ -379,6 +386,7 @@ def getmd5sum():
return jsonify(code=0, result="Can not get md5sum for this file!")
#return informations about state of slapgrid process
@app.route("/slapgridResult", methods=['POST'])
def slapgridResult():
software_state = isSoftwareRunning(app.config)
......@@ -415,6 +423,7 @@ def getPath():
return jsonify(code=1, result=realfile)
#update instance parameter into a local xml file
@app.route("/saveParameterXml", methods=['POST'])
def saveParameterXml():
project = os.path.join(app.config['runner_workdir'], ".project")
......@@ -441,6 +450,7 @@ def saveParameterXml():
return jsonify(code=0, result="An error occurred while applying your settings!<br/>" + str(e))
return jsonify(code=1, result="")
#read instance parameters into the local xml file and return a dict
@app.route("/getParameterXml/<request>", methods=['GET'])
def getParameterXml(request):
param_path = os.path.join(app.config['runner_workdir'], ".parameter.xml")
......@@ -457,6 +467,7 @@ def getParameterXml(request):
return jsonify(code=1, result=parameters)
#update user account data
@app.route("/updateAccount", methods=['POST'])
def updateAccount():
account = []
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