Commit 209e4570 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

version up eggs.

parent 134c37f6
......@@ -587,10 +587,11 @@ = 3.8.1
# Pinned versions
MySQL-python = 1.2.5
Pillow = 2.6.1
Products.CMFActionIcons = 2.1.3
Products.DCWorkflowGraph = 0.4.1
Products.ExternalEditor = 1.1.0
Products.GenericSetup = 1.7.4
Products.GenericSetup = 1.7.5
Products.LongRequestLogger = 1.1.0
Products.MimetypesRegistry = 2.0.6
Products.PluginRegistry = 1.3
......@@ -612,18 +613,17 @@ eventlet = 0.15.2
five.formlib = 1.0.4
five.localsitemanager = 2.0.5
gitdb = 0.5.4
greenlet = 0.4.4
greenlet = 0.4.5
http-parser = 0.8.3
httplib2 = 0.9
huBarcode = 1.0.0
interval = 1.0.0
ipdb = 0.8
ipython = 2.3.0
logilab-common = 0.62.1
logilab-common = 0.63.0
minitage.paste = 1.4.6
minitage.recipe.egg = 1.107
numpy = 1.9.1
pillow = 2.5.3
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
ply = 3.4
polib = 1.0.5
......@@ -634,11 +634,11 @@ pylint = 1.3.1
python-ldap = 2.4.17
python-magic = 0.4.6
python-memcached = 1.53
qrcode = 5.0.1
qrcode = 5.1
restkit = 4.2.2
rtjp-eventlet = 0.3.2
slapos.recipe.template = 2.5
slapos.toolbox = 0.40.4
slapos.toolbox = 0.41.0
smmap = 0.8.2
socketpool = 0.5.3
spyne = 2.11.0
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ cryptography = 0.6
itsdangerous = 0.24
lxml = 3.4.0
meld3 = 1.0.0
mr.developer = 1.30
mr.developer = 1.31
prettytable = 0.7.2
pyOpenSSL = 0.14
pyparsing = 2.0.3
......@@ -127,20 +127,20 @@ slapos.core =
slapos.libnetworkcache = 0.14.2 = 0.14
slapos.recipe.cmmi = 0.2
stevedore = 1.0.0
stevedore = 1.1.0
# Required by:
# slapos.core==
Flask = 0.10.1
# Required by:
# cliff==1.7.0
# stevedore==1.0.0
# cliff==1.8.0
# stevedore==1.1.0
argparse = 1.2.1
# Required by:
# slapos.core==
cliff = 1.7.0
cliff = 1.8.0
# Required by:
# slapos.cookbook==0.87
......@@ -158,6 +158,15 @@ netaddr = 0.7.12
# slapos.core==
netifaces = 0.10.4
# Required by:
# cliff==1.8.0
# stevedore==1.1.0
pbr = 0.10.0
# Required by:
# pbr==0.10.0
pip = 1.5.6
# Required by:
# slapos.core==
psutil = 2.1.3
......@@ -168,7 +177,7 @@ pycparser = 2.10
# Required by:
# slapos.cookbook==0.87
pytz = 2014.7
pytz = 2014.9
# Required by:
# slapos.core==
......@@ -176,7 +185,7 @@ requests = 2.4.3
# Required by:
# slapos.core==
supervisor = 3.1.2
supervisor = 3.1.3
# Required by:
# slapos.cookbook==0.87
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