Commit 384c30ce authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

kvm: NDB server instance is OK even if no image is uploaded

NBD server is not running until an image is uploaded. Make sure that the
promise doesn't fail until the image is there. Also display a WARNING in
the connection parameter to say that the NBD server is not running.
parent 596fd444
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ md5sum = b617d64de73de1eed518185f310bbc82
filename =
md5sum = c3667c9bbaa8627dad90f1abd62d2f16
md5sum = 70267d09442a7e5a048ebdf06217e21e
filename = template/
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
bin = $${buildout:directory}/bin
etc = $${buildout:directory}/etc
srv = $${buildout:directory}/srv
log = $${buildout:directory}/log
......@@ -34,12 +35,18 @@ shell-path = ${dash:location}/bin/dash
# XXX TODO: Wait for the iso to be uploaded (execute_wait)
path = $${basedirectory:services}/nbdserver
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = inline:#!/bin/sh
[ ! -f $${onetimeupload-instance:image-path} ] ||
$${buildout:executable} -c 'import socket ; socket.create_connection(("$${nbd-instance:ip}","$${nbd-instance:port}")).close()'
rendered = $${rootdirectory:bin}/
<= monitor-promise-base
module = check_port_listening
module = check_command_execute
name =
config-hostname = $${nbd-instance:ip}
config-port = $${nbd-instance:port}
config-command = $${nbd-checker-bin:rendered}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:generate.password
......@@ -66,6 +73,13 @@ config-port = $${onetimeupload-instance:port}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
nbd_url = nbd://[$${nbd-instance:ip}]:$${nbd-instance:port}
upload_url = http://[$${onetimeupload-instance:ip}]:$${onetimeupload-instance:port}/
nbd_hostname = $${nbd-instance:ip}
nbd_port = $${nbd-instance:port}
upload_url = http://[$${onetimeupload-instance:ip}]:$${onetimeupload-instance:port}
upload_key = $${onetimeupload-instance:key}
status_message = $${detect-if-cdrom-present:status}
recipe = collective.recipe.shelloutput
commands =
status = [ -f $${onetimeupload-instance:image-path} ] && echo "image already uploaded, you can't upload it again" || echo "WARNING: no image yet, the NBD server doesn't work"
......@@ -308,3 +308,22 @@ class TestInstanceResilient(InstanceTestCase):
class TestInstanceNbdServer(InstanceTestCase):
__partition_reference__ = 'ins'
instance_max_retry = 5
def getInstanceSoftwareType(cls):
return 'nbd'
def test(self):
connection_parameter_dict = self.computer_partition\
result = requests.get(connection_parameter_dict['upload_url'].strip(), verify=False)
self.assertIn('<title>Upload new File</title>', result.text)
self.assertIn("WARNING", connection_parameter_dict['status_message'])
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