Commit 5d6876fc authored by Boxiang Sun's avatar Boxiang Sun

caucase: set up a host file which specified for it

This allow caucase test use the random partition IP
address instead of fixed localhost:8000. Which can avoid
the conflict if one test node running multiple test suite.
parent 92d90b06
master 1.0 armin arnau arnau-RD-future arnau-RD-py3-master arnau-zope4py2 backup bbu cert-auto check_system_gfortran default_software_type_default django-tutorial drupal-lamp e2e e2e-bbu e2e-ors erp5-component erp5-zope2-tests extend-erp5-wcfs-integration-tests feat/buildout_testing_python3_new feat/erp5-haproxy-rate-limit feat/erp5-incremenatal-repozo feat/fix_kvm_wipe feat/inkscape-1.3 feat/ipv6_range feat/kvm-import-nice feat/libreoffice-24.2 feat/libreoffice-7.6 feat/mariadb-10.11 feat/mariadb-10.11-unsafe feat/mariadb-10.11bis feat/mariadb-10.11ter feat/mariadb-10.5 feat/mariadb-10.6 feat/mariadb-11.4 feat/mariadb-11.4-unsafe feat/nxdbom feat/obs_test feat/openssl-3.0 feat/openssl-3.0-bis feat/openssl-3.0-py2 feat/rapid-cdn-backend-h2 feat/telegraf-version-up feat/theia-1.24.0 feat/version_up_ldap_graphviz feat/zope-testrunner feat/zope5.11-pygolang-zodbtools fix- fix-libdb fix/erp5-haproxy-wait-reload fix/erp5_remove_unused_eggs fix/gcc_min_version fix/golang-20 fix/haproxy-up fix/netrc-parse-error fix/slapos.toolbox-py2 fix/version_up fix_kvm_monitor for_testrunner_1 gitlab-v14.10 goodbye-openssl-1.0.x intentially_broken_cloudooo jm logrotate/truncate master+ZODB4-wc2 matomo-tutorial neo-reflink netframe nextcloud nextcloud-fix-tests nirina_tutorial nofile old-mail-server ors ors-amarisoft/aw2s ors-dev ors-dev2 ors-dev3 ors-dev3-bak ors-dnsmasq ors-fake-lteenb ors-handover ors-oran-ru ors-oran-ru-toolbox ors-promise ors-ptt ors-publish ors-ssb-nr-arfcn ors-test ors-tests ors-ue osc patrowl-dev public-deltachat-core push-to-wendolin python3.12 remove_inkscape repman-test revert-e7b48c0b ru-alarms signature simpleran-dev simpleran-input-schema slapos-node_python3.9 slapos_master_load_balancer_test sozu-dev systemd-python tdd_config_5ms_6ul_3dl telecom-matomo-hotfix textsynth tomo_openradio_e2e_testing top-stand1 upgrade_responses vanilla-slapos webdav wrapper wrapper-atomic xy/lte-multiru y/wc2-next zope2py2-reorder-versions-priority zope2zope4py2 zope4py2-faketime zope4py3 zope4py3-bstr zope4py3-kaz 1.0.404 1.0.403 1.0.402 1.0.401 1.0.400 1.0.399 1.0.398 1.0.397 1.0.396 1.0.395 1.0.394 1.0.393 1.0.392 1.0.391 1.0.390 1.0.389 1.0.388 1.0.387 1.0.386 1.0.385 1.0.384 1.0.383 1.0.382 1.0.381 1.0.380 1.0.379 1.0.378 1.0.377 1.0.376 1.0.375 1.0.374 1.0.373 1.0.372 1.0.371 1.0.370 1.0.369 1.0.368 1.0.367 1.0.366 1.0.365 1.0.364.3 1.0.364.2 1.0.364.1 1.0.364 1.0.363 1.0.362 1.0.361 1.0.360 1.0.359 1.0.358 1.0.357 1.0.356 1.0.355 1.0.354 1.0.354-mariadb-replication-efc8bfe3c 1.0.354-mariadb-replication-8b12a75b5 1.0.353 1.0.352 1.0.351 1.0.350 1.0.349 1.0.348 1.0.347 1.0.346 1.0.345 1.0.344.1 1.0.344 1.0.343 1.0.342 1.0.341 1.0.340 1.0.339 1.0.338 1.0.337 1.0.336 1.0.335 1.0.334 1.0.333 1.0.332 1.0.331 1.0.330 1.0.329 1.0.328 1.0.327 1.0.326 1.0.325 1.0.324 1.0.323 1.0.322 1.0.321 1.0.320 1.0.319 1.0.318 1.0.317 1.0.316 1.0.315 1.0.314 1.0.313 1.0.312 1.0.311 1.0.310 1.0.309 1.0.308 1.0.307 1.0.306 1.0.305 1.0.304 1.0.303 1.0.302 1.0.301 1.0.300 1.0.299 1.0.298 1.0.297 1.0.296 1.0.295 1.0.294 1.0.293 1.0.292 1.0.291 1.0.290 1.0.289 1.0.288 1.0.287 1.0.286 1.0.285 1.0.284 1.0.283 1.0.282 1.0.281 1.0.280 1.0.279 1.0.278 1.0.277 1.0.276 1.0.275 1.0.274 1.0.273 1.0.272 1.0.271 1.0.270 1.0.269 1.0.268 1.0.267 1.0.266 1.0.265 1.0.264 1.0.263 1.0.262 1.0.261 1.0.260 1.0.259 1.0.258 1.0.257 1.0.256 1.0.255 1.0.254 1.0.253 1.0.252 1.0.251 1.0.250 1.0.249 1.0.248 1.0.247 1.0.246 1.0.245 1.0.244 1.0.243 1.0.242 1.0.241 1.0.240 1.0.239 1.0.238 1.0.237 1.0.236 1.0.235 1.0.234 1.0.233 1.0.232 1.0.231 1.0.230 1.0.229 1.0.228 1.0.227 1.0.226 1.0.225 1.0.224 1.0.223 1.0.222 1.0.221 1.0.220 1.0.219 1.0.218 1.0.217 1.0.216 1.0.215 1.0.214
1 merge request!1074caucase: set up a host file which specified for it
......@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
filename = instance.cfg
md5sum = 2a0edca6e0aa2c1277747c980bc0f256
md5sum = 84bd6729e9b299c457cea2d1be6d05a4
......@@ -32,6 +32,16 @@ repository = ${kedifa-repository:location}
<= download-source
repository = ${caucase-repository:location}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = inline:#!/bin/sh
export HOSTS="$(mktemp)"
trap 'rm "$HOSTS"' EXIT
printf '%s testhost\n%s testhost\n' "$SLAPOS_TEST_IPV4" "$SLAPOS_TEST_IPV6" > "$HOSTS"
export CAUCASE_NETLOC=testhost:8000 LD_PRELOAD=${userhosts:location}/lib/$LD_PRELOAD
exec python -m unittest discover -v
rendered = $${caucase:location}/
<= download-source
repository = ${slapos.libnetworkcache-repository:location}
......@@ -98,9 +108,7 @@ template = inline:
# XXX caucase uses 2to3 dynamically in, so it only supports
# runnning tests with python test
['python', '', 'test'],
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ extends =
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