Commit 6004bd17 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

component/mariadb: go back to mariadb 10.3.22

parent e4bb805e
Pipeline #11595 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -125,3 +125,34 @@ environment =
CPPFLAGS=-I${groonga:location}/include/groonga -I${pcre:location}/include
### XXX keep using mariadb 10.3.22 because 10.4 cause crash
### (we just override here for easier revert)
version = 10.3.22
url =
md5sum = f712a5e6fde038d0c9c6d2a2cd88b84e
pre-configure =
set -e '\bSET(PLUGIN_AUTH_PAM YES)' cmake/build_configurations/mysql_release.cmake
grep -q "$@"
sed -i "/$1/d" "$2"
post-install =
ldd=`ldd ${:location}/lib/plugin/`
for x in ${lz4:location} ${snappy:location} ${zstd:location}
do echo "$ldd" |grep -qF " $x/lib/"
mkdir -p ${:location}/include/wsrep &&
cp -p wsrep/wsrep_api.h ${:location}/include/wsrep
pre-configure =
rm -rf fake_mariadb_source
mkdir -p fake_mariadb_source
cd fake_mariadb_source
ln -s ${mariadb:location}/wsrep-lib
cp -a ${mariadb:location}/include/mysql/server include
cp -a include/private sql
chmod -R a+w include sql # so that buildout can delete this compile-dir after install
mkdir -p ${:plugin-dir}
### /XXX keep using mariadb 10.3.22 because 10.4 cause crash
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